Own a chihuahua? Then you're dumb but hot

This is new but interesting..
While on the prowl for a significant other in QL or outside , a new study proves that there is a great deal that can be read into a person’s pet.
The survey, asked dog-lovers to detail what they looked for when evaluating a potential lover’s canine companion.
If a woman is seen with a poodle- which have toy, miniature, and standard varieties (‘just like a lady’)- they are often perceived as fussy or high maintenance, but are also ‘probably hot’.
As a result, the survey says that more than half of the respondents said that a woman that owns such a dog is more likely to be a ‘one-night-stand than one who has any other type of dog.
Men who have either golden or Labrador retrievers are apparently the most attractive to women.
The site rationalizes that because Golden Retrievers are trusting and gentle, they ‘won’t be very good protectors but at least they won’t leave you in the middle of a bar to challenge the nearest patron to a duel’.
German Shepherds, however, topped the list as the breeds’ propensity for knowing ‘how to take care of business’ being seen as a strong suit.
German Shepherd: ‘A guy who owns a Shepherd will know how to take care of business- and the women will love him for it’
Golden Retriever:The breed is known for being trusting and gentle, which is lovely but not the best attributes for a guard dog. As a result, male Golden Retriever owners ‘won’t be very good protectors but at least they won’t leave you in the middle of a bar to challenge the nearest patron to a duel.
Labrador Retriever: Like their Golden counterparts, this breed signifies that their male owners would make ‘great dads’
Siberian Husky: Their ‘manly’ male owners are considered ‘hard-working, dependable, and the man you go to when you need help’
French Bulldog: Ladies perceive male French Bulldog owners as possible one-night-stands and not much more, citing their propensity for being yippy and attention-seeking as the cause.
Golden Retriever: Female golden owners are thought to be ‘girlfriend material’ because of their choice of pet
Labrador Retriever: These dependable dogs apparently have the same draw for both men and women
Chihuahua: Like Legally Blonde’s Elle Woods, a woman with a Chihuahua ‘is more likely to be judged as “dumb” and “a one-night stand”’
Poodle: ‘Just like a lady, the poodle comes in toy, miniature, and standard sizes, and is born with any number of coat colors’
Beagle:Citing their size and even temperament, Beagles were given good marks but their keen ‘tracking instinct’ was noted as a potential drawback for wayward boyfriends
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2160866/You-chihuahua-Then-youre...
he loves the Pegase suitcase because of the soft lining and easy to access zip which does not bite into his soft hair :O)
I am impressed you managed to fit a Borzoi into your LV bag.... was it hand luggage or standard suitcase size?
I tried to carry my Borzoi in a LV bag, but the bugger made a mess in it :O(
Well, I have a Mastiff, a Doberman and a Great Dane....is that attractive?
my boss keeps commenting that I am the exception to the rule with most things....
I prefer a man with either a Rottweiler or GSD....
A man with a toy dog, is immediately gay in my mind!
brite, a wuss? You made me laugh man.
Yeah and a girl that likes red colour is most probably a good in bed??
who makes these stupid studies? Everything in life is a matter of taste!
Yep, I agree...Yorkshire Terriers are the worst for it.
Hubby has had dogs all his life but unfortunately I am allergic to them so he isn't allowed them anymore - it breaks his heart (and mine). But he had a Boxer at one stage, which when stood up on his back paws was taller than me.
The seem more like "accessories" then pets..
So, come on , which dog was hubby walking when lightening struck ?
I don't like handbag dogs...they seem to have "little man syndrome" - yappy little beggars!
LOL. I think anyone who manages to walk a cat is a genius!
Any male seen walking a cat would be considered a "Wuss" by most women :O(
What about cats?
I want a poodle...:)