Please Help, Wedding Ring LOST

Good day, I lost my wedding ring in Jolibee restaurant (Mansoura) yesterday night. It's not that valuable in money but it is a memorabilia for me and my wife.
This is a long shot but i have to try, to anyone who seen or help me retrieve I'm very much willing to compromise.
Please call, miscall or SMS anytime at 55960610. I will arrange time and place at your convenience.
Thank you.
Extra notes: "Sometimes, you'll never really know it's worth until you lost it"
Since you lost this ring at resturant, i suggest you check your stocmach as the ring was in your hand/finger while eating.
Just kidding. I wish you success in finding it.
For me , most people who see anything small that is lost or on ground , takes it with them , Good luck finding it :)
place a small note at Jollibee and seek their help. Hope you find it.