How to get Job??
All you guys are taking about the qatar visa that if someone gets a job in qatar then visa is not a problem but my question is that how I can get a job in qatar. i am applying online for job from one year but no response. please friends guide me through the process how to apply for job?? may be I am try in a wrong direction..
hi kikayote. i am not writing an official letter. I think there is no need to write a question according to the grammar rules. I asked a simple question in a simple way, that's all. don't try to be over smart..
I'm afraid that Pakistani visas are very difficult to get. That may be why you are unsuccessful. Your English isn't that bad.
hi shahzi, i'm not being rude but I can see the reason why you are not being hired. Maybe you should focus on studying English grammar first then try again to apply online.
Good luck my friend! Salam!