Does Personal Budgeting really work?

I have written below some thoughts on personal budgeting and wanted to share with you and also obtain feedback with tips and tricks from your experience.
Most of us seldom pay attention to disciplined personal budgeting, if used properly it can be a powerful tool to control our finances.
A budget can be created in a simple excel worksheet or ready made products such as Quicken can be purchased.
The classification of incoming income or cash in can be straight forward for most of us, as we typically employee single source of income, such as from our job or main business
While we have one or two way of cash in but even the simplest one of us have number of methods for expenses or cash out.
In order to properly control out going expenses it is important to properly classify expenses to the right categories, I am reconsidering the budget categories that I may use in future as listed below
High level budget will have six catagories with various sub categories under each as illustrated below
1: Mandontary or Important expenses
2: Value added or Q2 expenses
3: Charity or Gifts
4: Parents or Elders
5: discretionary or luxuary expenses
Each of the above may have many sub catagories as required based on nature of expenses as shown below
1: Mandontary or Important expenses
Basic food, rent, clothing, water and elec bill, child school, health etc I.e. the must have expenses
2: Value added or Q2 expenses
This is what you mainly spent on improvements or towards future financial security of your and your family e.g. Higher education, self improvement via technical skill
3: Charity or Gifts
Zakat, charitable contributions and any gifts that may be given to relatives or other in need
4: Parents or Elders
Most of our culture require supporting elders in one way or another, this is close to Mandontary expenses
5: discretionary or luxuary expenses
This category have biggest opportunity of saving, anything no fitting in above can mostly fit in here, excess dinning out, shopping, electronics, vacations beside basic visit to home country, movies, entertainment, excess house hold furniture expenses and so on, basically anything with out which life can go Normal can fit in here.
yes it does helps some time but i believe that some of the things should not be accounted for its just my believe that if we just spent them and does not account them our income will grow and if we do then we are stuck with the same amount that we started from.
so account only those things that are important or materialistic others leave them to your faith.
just an opinion.
If the person works....the budget will work for sure.
Discipline & loan will never be a good combination.
Sure it works, it had worked for me, stop eating from outside, stop buying branded dresses, simple furniture as we will be here only for few years and believe me if you have control over your finance you can lead a very happy life even in the richest country of the world, you never will be worried of any shortage as they'll be ample amount of bank balance.
The truth is you put this important topic at the wrong time--- when almost everyone in Doha is contemplating about more important things in life.. :-(