Villagio Fire

By britishwoman •
I have just watched Aljazeera headlines and no mention was made of the Villagio fire although CNN and the BBC are still running this story, do the power that be think it is not worth the air time as all deads where expats. We have to rely on foreign news to tell us what is happening in the country we choose to live in. My one critisism of this country is the lack of information. My mistake Aljazeera tv did air it 20 minutes into the news,so what message is that sending? My heart goes out to all victims of the fire and my thanks to all the emergency services.
sadly in this part of the world the ownership is mostly by locals, and for locals all the controls or permit requirements can be easily bypassed.
Gob Bless all the little angels that are in a better place, and all the affected families find the strength some how.
Read Peninsula and Gulf News today, which has given a better coverage with photographs (Timebandit contributions).
Last year the nursery I work at was ordered to do the following
1. Install all the fire up-to-date equipment.
2. Build/install a fire escape
3. All the classes are to be held on the ground floor of the building.
4. A fully functional water sprinkling system.
5. Practice a fire drill as often as possible
This is a VERY low cost nursery but all this was done ASAP regardless of the cost.
Now how can a nursery as expensive as gympanzies have been running without all that, how and who approved them to operate…
Yes we are looking for someone to blame but the management is almost fully to be blamed “I won’t go on as who wants to be deported to our good forsaken countries for freedom of speech.”
Brings me to the other point how is it almost everyone heard and is still hearing updates from international media “I was on my way there when I got a call from my husband that there is a fire at Villagio who saw it on BBC news…
I Totally Agree with UK.
Yesterday's devastating incident is a call for all the business owners who owns an establishment/building to make sure that safety precautions are present and well functioned, regular check ups for all the safety notifications devices and accessibility exits whenever problem occurs.... THESE THINGS MUST PUT IN A TOP PRIORITY MEASURE FOR THE SAFETY OF THE PEOPLE....
It was one of the main headlines on BBC Breakfast News this morning in the UK.
Aljazeera reports only about their neighbours and the rest of the world, they dont know whats happening in the backyard. wht a pity!!
Gulf times is a piece of shit which didnt even give a pic of the two died heroes of the service personnel.. Go jump a well you bunch of morons!!!
first of all, my deep condolences to the families and relatives
second: are there any really good safety standards in place? who is independantly controlling it? nobody
the government admitted (woooooow) mistakes - but i am asking what will change?
it must be made cheap, like everything, safety standards, proper work, forget about it.
risk assessment/management hmmmm, most prop they never heard about it.
chairboy, i could not say it better: AMATEURS WITH BLOOD ON THEIR HANDS!!!!!!
third: information, well the news papers, tv channels are controlled by the government, i was waiting for something on al jazeera at least - nothing - even in my home country, they showed it earlier than on al jazeera, what a shame
as usual, trying to cover up, as much as they can
the city center is for me the same thread, construction in the parking floor, looong way out of the parking, no clear emergency exit signs, i do not want to think, what will happen, if a car starts to burn in the basement parking lots
samcro - the way of living
I feel sorry for the families who lost there loved ones in yesterdays fire and will pray for fast recovery of the people being hospitalized.......
Salute to the Rescue team.......
You could nail it with one phrase ... "...couldn't be bothered.."
Here's another one ... "...too much effort..."
or ..."'ll never happen here..."
Whatever happened to Risk Assessments at the Villagio Mall.
Amateurs with blood on their hands.
Timebandit, Salute to your reporting and pictures which are being used by all the News Networks around the world.
Proud to know you buddy and the way you brought those images to the world.
Its all about the awareness. People who work in Malls are never been given fire and safety training and what to do in case of FIRE. They only know the exit doors and nothing else and officials said in the statement LACK OF FLOOR PLANS and MALFUNCTIONING SAFETY SYSTEMS WERE MAJOR HINDRANCES TO THE RESCUE EFFORT It clearly means that NO one from the management and safety department were bothered to timely check the safety measures of the MALL. As per the Officials the rescue and support staff were on the place within the minutes but unable to save lives of 19. In my point of view it is to be blamed by the every single person who was involved in Management and Safety Department of the mall and we should abide going to malls if there is no Proper exit plan in case of any Emergency
when it comes to real news/journalism, nothing much to expect in here.
condolences to the bereave family. my prayers are for them.
my sympathies to all who lost their dear ones, i feel so sorry to the kids who were trapped in gympanzee, till now i am still numbed as i could not imagine how miserable they were during that incident. teachers must have struggled so much to keep the young ones alive yet they do not have enough strength and capabilities to keep them alive =( Doha is really mourning... may God bless their souls... may them all rest in peace.
Thanks to QL and @dohanews (on twitter) for keeping us all up-to-date.
I was wondering the same thing. I was jumping between Qatar TV, Al Jazeera English and Al Jazeera Arabic, and there was hardly any mention.
The BBC had better reporting on this than Al Jazeera.
It really did seem as though the authorities were just hoping that if they ignored it, we'd all forget about it.
Me too agree with 'britishwoman'. When I check the websites of Gulf Times and Peninsula yesterday, there were nothing about it. The main difference and best advantage of the websites are LIVE UPDATES of the news. If they were not showing it, sometimes, its wortheless.
I feel very sorry for the families who lost their dear ones in the blaze and smoke yday.
My heartfelt prayers for the speedy recovery of those hospitalised.
When investigation is going on for the big mistake, we would like to see some quick and worthy actions to check the fire saftey systems in other places.
Appreciate the efforts of rescue workers.
for the latest update.
it is an unfortunate incident; and definitely somebody is responsible for this accident.
The villagio mall management and administration have some lapses in the safety of people. Govt has appointed a committee to identify the causes and to suggest the strict measures to curb such incidents in future.
My deepest condolenses to all parents and family members of those who lost their loved ones in this tragic accident.
Inna lillahe wa inna ilehe rajioun
britishwoman : There was a press conference last night which lasted a for several hours on the Qatari national TV concerning the Veillagio tragic incidents.
The condolence was extended in a joint press conference held by H.E. the Minister of State for Interior Affairs and HE the Minister of Public...
it should have been a live broadcast from the scene all day yesterday. They should be ashamed.