Hola como esta

Thats Mexican, it means "Hi, how are you doing?"..I'm not in Mexico, I'm home for a day but I'm getting ready for it. I've been in Chicago all week- I had to satisfy some family obligations there, I had to do it. It's like when your wife makes you a salad and she put all kinds of healthy things in it, you always eat them first to get them out of the way so you can enjoy the rest of the salad. Well thats what my trip to Chicago was. I saw all the x in laws, old friends, co workers and family and now I'm free to enjoy he next few months. I'm trying to get caught up with all the PM's sent while I was away but I may not have the time to get to them all, I will respond to them in the order that they were recieved so have patients friends..
So hows everyone doing here?
Do u really think spanish is just spoken in Mexico??? What a redneck.!!
how come this guy has not yet been deported from QL?
Great to see you again..Its been so long
I'm catching flight outta here in the morning..If you don't hear from me- Don't worry. I'll be in the desert, probably sitting by a pool drinking lite beers and reading a racing form.
And don't worry about the late response, I was just joking when I said "THATS IT!!!"
Welcome back bull.
Was just telling my hubby last night that you had been outta touch for quite awhile and was wondering if everything was fine by you. So will wonder no more then.
We are all same o'l I guess and Qatar is getting hotter by the day. WB and sorry for the late response.
It was an ok trip back home to Chicago..a 6 on a scale of 10. I saw a guy I haven't seen in almost 25 years- I helped him ( personal loan) get his seat on the Chicago Stock Exchange back in the day- It cost almost 100k back then so i'd imagine its worth 5 mil now? So he really owed me a favor- I cashed it in on a date with his newly divorced little sister. I always had a thing for her but she was too young (17) back then. I took her to the Holiday Club near Old Town and I was gonna take her to see Hairspray at the Drury Lane but she insisted we go to Maywood Park to play the horses. She said going there with us on summer nights when she was a kid was "her favorite childhood memory"..I only remember her tagging along like one time? She had a big crush on me back then, I knew that but I just did'nt know how big it was...My god..She was nice but she came on too strong and was a little too skinny for my taste (no shape) and she had been going to the tanning salon too much. You know how when women get divorced they always imeadiatly lose 25 pounds and start tanning?
It's not nesasary ladies..
Welcome back manna pro !! its was nice to hear that you had a great holiday and yes for the nice trip.
I like heat..I always did and quite probably always will.
Jungle Heat
Glad you've had a great vacation, time to enjoy the beat of the heat.
And no responses!?
Nice welcome back people?