Teacher's Groups
By natalie777 •
Hello everyone!
I will be arriving in Doha, Qatar on May 23, 2012 to start a new position as a Senior Visual And Studio Instructor under a two year renewable contract. Are there teacher's clubs or any other social organisations for new people coming to live in Doha, Qatar? Sincerely, Natalie Anderson-Place
You will probably like the Qatar Professional Women's Association. Meets once a month in the evening.
Hi natalie, there's also a goup like -Doha mums- for mums who has kids in qatar or awaiting for their first baby. Have a nice stay in Qatar.
Thanks for responding and the welcome to Doha! I will check out the above website and the Qatar foundation.
First welcome to Doha. By the way the picture is great.
There is different groups on qatar living and you check also qatar foundation for events and activities and also check this website for events happening in Qatar http://www.qatarhappening.com/events/