Private tutoring, a word to the wise

By starman1405sfr •
To provide myself with an income I had been providing private tutoring to a 'well off' Qatari family. Everything was going smoothly and at the end of each month I would submit an invoice and this would be paid within a couple of weeks. After a week off for the families vacation my services were suddenly no longer required and the last 2 months invoices remained unpaid and each request was met by the phone being put down or the door answered by the poor maid. Ive now given up trying to chase the outstanding amount so just a warning to others looking at this type of work, please ensure that you get paid upfront.
If you involve yourself in illegal work then expect the consequences.
There is a website for you to use as a preaching forum.
Its called - please use it instead of trying to convert peopl on QL.
One 'blessed' can go so high in spirituality to a state where we would not differentiate between mine and thine, profit & loss, friend & foe, a total selfless service to fellow humans without judging their 'designs' if any, just thinking it is a God's will to act as per need of time.
It is rare but quite possible for a person who prays & remembers a principle that 'Above All' would be happy if we could try to make His 'needy folks' happy by our daily life small small gestuers towards others without anticipating any trace of resiprocals or appreciation or recognition !
I feel privileged to have a comment from a highly placed person like you , Regards, my sister Korly.
I never understood this. they have so much money, and yet this happens. Several times I've seen teenage boys in thobe (who I assume are Qatari) and their friends jump out of taxis and run off, laughing and refusing to pay. The fare, let alone a couple hundred riyal to a tutor, is NOTHING to them, so why not pay? I don't get it.
It's not like they don't have the money.
When housemaids are paid Qr.600 a month, this is not much of a surprise.
He has a point, you have to rely on their generousity to pay the money. What you were doing is illegal in this country rightly or wrongly.
Be nice to them and you might get your money, otherwise chalk it up to experience. You dance with the devil you pay the price.
What rubbish are you spewing?
I agree with Xena, your view of people being so good is not at all practical.
The woman screwed the driver over. Simple. AND she knew she would do it to when she spoke to him that morning.
Trust me when I tell you, don't give people any leeway, they will think nothing of doing you in at their first opportunity.
My sister, I am of the view, who knows this fellow , just by chance came to help - free - that covered lady as ordered by God. This act may be done initially - supposedly - for money but will be counted as free service to unknown - if she does not pay at all.
We spend all our life helping our own family & friends who also change and later forget all that good done to them.
We just come to this world to settle our old accounts, it is good that Brokos' friend has paid back some
free service he may have taken earlier... I assume.
I would love to see life through your rose tinted glasses.... a world where there is an explanation for everything and no one has an evil mind except those that don't agree with your philosophy...
When you engage in illegal practices (work outside a sponsorship) you leave yourself open for others to take advantage of you. I'm not saying what they did was right, of course it is not, but it leaves you with no recourse.
Ask your friend to go again to her house & try to discuss with her or a male family member to solve it.
This is very small personal favour. Keep it simple.
Who knows there was an emergency on the family that day.
brokos - an illegal job.....
It happened to a friend of mine who is using his private car as a taxi. He picked up this covered lady for the whole day going every where, then later in the day she agreed to pay 320QR for the service.The covered lady went inside her house with intention to get some money to pay for the service beign rendered by my friend. My friend waited more than 4 hrs outside and the lady never show up. What a manner is this? even my friend can not identify her if he see her cos she is covered.
yes, heard this before, when payment it is payment, stand by ! Another local child that will not get proper education, so who is fooling who ? I have had local university students applying for jobs that can not speak English properly or even use Excel....
Who is poor, you or maid ?
I'm currently showing my not surprised look