CID Arrests Three for Burglary in Shops
The Criminal Investigation Department (CID) could unravel the mysteries of theft at some shops in a number of areas, after receiving several complaints recently, from the owners of some shops on theft from their shops. From intensive investigation and patrolling it became evident that five people are involved in a number of thefts.
One of the CID patrols spotted two persons walking at one of the commercial areas at 2AM and they were followed but they managed to escape. At the same day in the dawn, another CID patrol noticed a private car stopped in front of a shop and there were three masked person in the car. While the patrol approached the car, they tried to escape but the patrols chased them and held them.
A number of tools and equipments used for robbery and theft were found by searching their vehicle. They confessed during the interrogation on some of the thefts that were reported at police stations. The accused persons are referred to the concerned departments along with and confiscated items.
Must be the same ones who broke in to those apartments and Villas!!!!!!!!!!
Let's hope they catch more of these low life's, especially the ones breaking into cars at the moment.
Looks like thy r very young...
mabroooooooooks SIR
Wow what a great catch.