Doubt regarding Traffic Violation

Dear All,
Out of curiosity I was just checking my traffic violation updates, and was surprised to find the following violation added against my car number plate:
Reference Date Time Description Location Points Amount
000006112366991 2011-10-05 0:00 AM
U.A.E. 300 E.D
And what is more surprising is that when I check the traffic violation against my Qatar ID number, there is no violation registered!!!!!
The violation location is mentioned as UAE,whereas I have never visited UAE in my entire life.
Can anyone please guide me, about how to proceed in the above case.
.. same thing happened to me ... just today... I received an SMS via Metrash ... for similar violation ... when I checked with QID No.. no violation shown....
... the car is just parking and not being used..... totally disguting...
its ok, It happened with me before & its by mistake
Go to Violation Madinat khalefa Traffic Department & complain
They will check & found it, difference in car color or no. ETC,, they will ask u to go & get letter from the customs in Cornich that the car doesnt exit QATAR at that time
Dont worry its easy
its ok, It happened with me before & its by mistake
Go to Violation Madinat khalefa Traffic Department & complain
They will check & found it, difference in car color or no. ETC,, they will ask u to go & get letter from the customs in Cornich that the car doesnt exit QATAR at that time
Dont worry its easy
Go to police station and proof they will cancel from you.