Family Visa

Hi there.
Can anyone please shed some light on whether a female can in fact sponsor her husband and child? I earn a substantial salary,so that is not the problem,but I have received conflicting information with regards to whether the law has changed ,allowing this or not?
Can someone with significant valid info assist me?
Yes you can.... I have sponsored my husband and two teenage children for the last 4 years.
I am not sure but from what I heard before you cannot sponsor your husband. Your husband should be the one who will sponsor you BUT you can sponsor your children if your husband is not here. To make sure just ask in immigration office or the PRO of your company.
I wish I have a wife who can sponser me :)
If your company HR assures you that you can you are probably good to go. Without this as a pre-condition of employment you are in a non-man's land.
i hope so.
You can sponser your family provided you are salary package is above 10K and your profession is engineer,accountant or any managerial role.