My Hungry Caged Rabbit - Investigation

I got this rabbit home from Souq Wakif last month and I think Iám in big trouble now. This rabbit is turning out to be highly unusual in the following ways:
1. It eats a lot of carrots. On an average it's consuming about two kilos of raw carrot and even then seems to be hungry.
2. When I let it out of the cage, it goes and bites the carpet,slippers,electrical wires,dinning table or whatever she can get her teeths on.
3. I had brought her home with a male rabbit which was white in color and the same age. On the third day, the male rabbit was found dead inside the cage. Inspite of all efforts I couldn't figure the reason for his sudden demise.
4. She keeps banging the cage with her paws and tries to lift the cage doors with her teeth. I'am afraid that she might hurt herself or come out and bite me for not letting her out.
5. I tried taking her out to the Aspire Park for some running around but she didn't want to come out of her cage!
Not sure why she's behaving this way but I'am finding it hard to manage her now. Any comments,hints, tips would be welcome!
and also you might find your vet knows nothing about rabbits either. they need to have specialized in exotics. so i would do most of the research yourself. I have spoken to an exotic vet in my own country and learnt the names of antiemetic, anti inflammatory and antibiotics that are needed for treating sick rabbits. check out rabbits and bunnies in qatar
and britexpat you should be shot! rabbits can not eat bread! or cheese!!!!!!! they want sugar smelling stuff! mine goes crazy when he smells my yoghurt! but you are killing your rabbit if you let it eat these things
oh and vegetables are treats, they need hay. if you feed vegetables only then they get sick as it is too high in sugar. they eat grass. and they do not eat carrots. carrot tops yes, but not carrots.
First of all a rabbit needs hay more than pellets and pellets need to be 21 percent fibre or their tummies cant work properly and they get a death threatening disease- stasus of the gut. Please see my site rabbits and bunnies in qatar on fb. Secondly you should not keep your rabbit in a cage. He needs to run and jump! imagine being locked in your bathroom with someone who drops off food. you get no love, you get lonely and you never get to move. how depressing. DONT buy a rabbit if you do not know how to care for it. and DONT buy from souq waqif as they will keep taking rabbits and putting more rabbits in those horrible conditions. all souq rabbits will have illnesses because they are kept in the heat and are stressed out to the max and are not fed hay!!!!!! which is vital for their stomachs to work. Please teach people how to care for rabbits. rabbits do not bit and infact can be toilet trained. my rabbit springs and runs to the door when i get home. he licks me all over out of love. They get very lonely and need a lot of love and attention. Consider them the way you would a domestic cat and train them the same way.
I hate to disppoint you, but if any of those vaccination records are real or for the animals on the property, I will be very suprised.
DO NOT BUY ANIMALS from Souq Waqif. You are encouraging animal abuse.
Adopt don't shop.
favour and don't talk absolute rubbish about your cat being infected with diseases and infections.
I don't get angry with you ever, but talking noncense like that gets me really angry.
Your cat had ring-worm, period - nothing else was wrong with it. If we had known we would have told you. Ring worm is a common skin ailment among animals that have low immune systems.
It is also not easy to see ringworm unless its at a very advanced stage. It too like other fungus/bacteria/viruses have an incubation period and it might very well NOT have had the ringworm when it left us and it started after the incubation period was over.
BTW.... ringworm is one of the most commom infections that children pick up from school. Right up there with lice.
Your incident happened years ago, so please get over it now. Since then, we have adopted many animals out successfully. Unfortunatley, the one time we slipped up, it was with you and you will never let us forget it.
Elaine - These pets are for sale after approval from the authorities and they have all the necessary medications done. I went to check and found everything in order including the puppy passports. Therefore,I wouldn't be pressing any charges as yet :)
Sadly, not much can be done. All we can do is highlight the conditions and let the powers that be take action..
And keeping them in those unhealthy conditions? How about taking action on those basis?
Britexpat - so it is absolutely legal for these shops to sell the pets?
NO! Souq Waqif is a tourist attraction and a bona fide market.
Just arrived in Doha last month. I am shocked the way animals are kept in souq waqif..Has there been any action taken against these people?
So that's where I got the Ring Worm from :O(
UKEng - When you brought the cat home from QAWS,you could have taken it to the vet irrespective of what anyone had to say. I should have done the same for my rabbit(s)
I got a cat from QAWS once that was riddled with diseases and infections and our whole family had to suffer with ring worms. Only if the carers at QAWS would have warned us we would have taken the feline straight to the vets rather than wait till she got really poorly!
Yes the animals in souq are kept in bad conditions. But if the people want to buy them they will sell them. There is Vet in souq, maybe one can take the anumal for a check up there before one buys an animal!
Thanks dida...Yes yday I gave her eggplant and she ate it very fast...I think I need to keep changing her diet :)
hi there i had rabbit also for almost 2 months now ... and this behavior that ur saying is normal for them, mine is female also. Just i am not keeping her in cage ..she is 24h out and now she use her old cage as toilet ( which means cleaninggggggggg alottt ) About food- i dont know if ur giving her other vegy and this food for them ( i got it in some so called animal shop in Mushereb ) - maybe diferent kinds of food will make her more happy and will less eat... as advice for wasting extra energy coz it looks like she has it lot :) try to play with her while she is in flat free ...and ran... mine is running like- kitchen-bedroom-balcony-living room- hall
Xena - Lol
Glenn - Is it male or female?
Brite - Thats an extremely complicated name of a rabbit disease :( Could it be any simpler?
I had a rabbit which used to eat toasted sandwitches. He liked toasted cheese, toasted bacon, toasted lamb, toasted ham and then just died ..
The doctor said he died of Myxomatostis :O(
Oh my.. so complicated :(
true story.
I was out jogging one evening recently. I was almost back to my compound when I came across a baby white rabbit hopping in the gravel. I picked it up (saved it actually) and looked for a possible owner. I also posted signs all around.
He/she is clean, nice and healthy. Ready to go to someone who would like it. I cannot keep him and the shelter does not have a cage for him.
Please contact me at [email protected]
He does not want them to mate... he knows I will slap him black and blue if he does....
Just like other animals, Rabbits have the tendency to be territorial. They will kill stranger rabbits introduced to their cage. If you want to pair a rabbit, start by placing them in a separate cage side to side and let them be acquainted and be friends first for weeks. Next, if you want to mate them, you will take the female rabbit and place it to the cage of the male rabbit. Try to research more on raising this kind of pet.
immediately send an email to Kate Middleton in UK and try to find out her Dukhan diet program..meanwhile get enrolled your rabbit in a gym... :)
By the way try to give her some hard toys to chew on and limit her feed times..So that she can understand that u r not going to tolerate her tantrums anymore... :)
BlueB so you're playing sponsor-sponsor to poor soul?
dont know but i see it like this-
a sponsor (BB) kept the passport of a labor (poor rabbit) with him, limiting his basic freedoms (caged), and the poor soul, in retaliation, is harming you by whatever way possible, eating too much.
Have mercy, leave it to its natural place. at least you must have learned the "pleasure of freedom" by now.
Thanks Nervous one but I would think that even if QAWS are not medically trained,they would be capable of advising on good care of my rabbit. I know they have been doing a wonderful job.
A word of advice, do not buy animals from Souq Wakif, they are treated very badly and are usually riddled with diseases and infections and very few of them live more than a week or 2 once purchased.
I wouldn't suggest asking QAWS for advice, they are a rescue centre, they are not vets and are not medically trained. I would suggest taking your rabbit to Parkview Pet Centre near Landmark Mall. The staff in there are wonderful and very friendly and helpful.
Good Luck.
Tinker - I would if I was not as lazy as I'am :(
Sincere condolences for the dead Rabbit and to your bike too - BB ! :(
Its not a good idead to buy pets from Souq Waqif, dunno how the govt. allow them to sell those poor pets kept in such a suffocating cages and people buy them ! :(
even her hubby couldn't manage her, so how you will?
UK - She cannot be pregnant. She has always been alone.:)
Xena - Thank you! :) I'am gonna try all of this and see how it goes.
There you go, Xena solved your problem. Go buy your rabbit spinach.
And I feed her cucumbers and always ensure that there's sufficient water for her.
but did you actually do any research before you bought this rabbit?
Do you know that contrary to popular "bugs bunny" beliefs, rabbits shouldn't have a carrot more than 2 times a week and that there diet should be made up of green leafy veggies, like spinach and broccoli... the darker green the better.
Lettuce is not good for rabbits either as it contains to much water.
Your bunny may be frisky and may need to go and be "desexed"... yes, just like a dog/cat does....
MM - I'am feeding her both.
Are you feeding it rabbit pellets or just carrots?
She is a clever rabbit and seems like a wild type which eats a lot. Did you check the male rabbit for some abnormal wounds on its body? May be she murdered him.
I would take it to the vet BB for a check up. But don't buy another rabbit from the Souq.
Is that a picture of your rabbit? I assume you're feeding it rabbit food and not just carrots?
BB I think it might be eating for three or four? Expect some new rabbits soon..:)
MM - Seriously I didn't know that I'am not suppossed to buy fromthe Souq.They are selling openly and there are a lot of people buying there. I thought it's perfectly normal.
Tinker - But the male was perfectly healthy and was more active than this one.
MM - I read somewhere that rabbits must not be overfed too. Going by the way she is eating looks like she might end up getting some problems.
MM - I didn't know that. Should I return it to the seller?
First of all you shouldn't be buying animals from Souq Waqif. Shame on you.
Secondly, her behavior is totally normal for a rabbit.
Thirdly, the other one probably died because of some disease or defect it got in the souq.