Qatar Academy ?

By Lauren Winchester •
Hi i have few questions about qatar academy
1. how much a term costs for seniors ? they have a specific uniform ?
3. is electronics allowed in there
3.can students wear makeup or wear jewelry ?
4. what do you think about their education system?
5. whats the good and bad things about the school ?
Thanks :)
Qatar Academy has beautiful facilities and is considered top notch. check the sidebar under schools for information related to fees etc. That being said, it has a large Arab population and the students are considered somewhat rowdy in reputation. As an American, you would be much more comfortable at ASD. It is accredited in the US, has AP classes, sports and activities on par with what is offered in North American. there are over 60 different nationalities attending ASD and it is also considered one of the top notch schools in Doha. check them both out and see which one you like best. Good luck, it's never easy to move your final year