Is there any jobs for portuguese people in UAE?

It seems that no one is available to help me out with some serious doubts about living at UAE. Im a 27 year old woman, with a Degree at Portuguese Sign Language. I would like to know if there are any jobs for portuguese people in UAE? Dubai, Qatar, etc. Life in Portugal gets harder every single day and i have been searching hard for a job in UAE. Im already going to take a chance at Cabin Crew Recruitment Open Day for Emirates Airline. Wish i had some kind of feedback... Can anyone answer all my questions?? Desperate! Thank you very much.
eu sao de india mas fala portugusw bem mesmo ,eu esto aque em Qatar,,, esto pedir para mandar seu Qualificacao para trabalho,, eu poso ajutar sorte.
Thank you very much Mandilulur!! Sorry, i was misunderstood.. Going to check that website. :)
Even non-Portuguese can give good advice! There's a website named pprune. One of the forums on this website is for would-be flight attendants. In this forum is a thread for the QR interview. There's are a LOT of first-hand advice on the interview process, the questions, what they are looking for, etc.
check your pms
Already did that.. Im going to attend the Emirates Cabin Crew Open Day at the end of this month at Portugal, Oporto. Thank you for your help but i was hoping to have some feedback from my fellow portuguese people. I aint posting questions just because.. I have been searching in the web for jobs at Uae for a month now.
Honey, no one is going to help you, you gotta slug it out for yourself. There was just a cabin crew open house in Doha a few days ago. Do your due diligence and you may have a chance. Do you know which air carriers are hiring? It's all available on-line with a little homework.