Plastic sugary obsession

Do not get me wrong...I am just curious I go to malls and see lots of fake faces tones of makeup and horrifyingly over weights folks strolling around in clothes that makes them look even faster and just silly. And what’s up with the addiction for plastic surgeries in this part of the world? It’s like out of every 10 Arab women there are 5 with completely changed faces and the rest are fogged behind their heavy make up!
So why so women of this part of the world love getting t plastic surgery done? I think they are very beautiful women in general and do not need plastic surgery. I watch some Arabic music when I’m at the Shesha bar ( shesha place ) or whatever you call that! Lol and all I see is Arabian female pop stars and singers who look so freaking fake they just scary the crap outta you how ugly they look with all that make up on.
Not to mention how startled I was when my friend told me most of them if not all they all had plastic surgeries. Is it a badge of honor to get these surgeries done??? LOL I mean seriously!
I apologize if I offended anyone wasn’t the intention (:
I am just curious and confused since many middle-eastern women are naturally pretty.
Do you think I should go for the Man boob tightening or the bicep enhancement ?
My bad QS :-)
I certainly do have a sweet tooth...:P
really snessy? thanks for the hint.. I think I know brit well enough by now.. :):)
QS: Brit is cracking a joke...he's talking about drinking beer.
right brit,
-if you can afford it;
-or/and if it can make you feel happier;
-or/and if it can increase your income significantly..
would you say NO?
Brit you mean a tummy tuck and a jaw surgery?
I have decided to invest in a "six pack" and perhaps the odd chin uplift.
LP, i am happy we have reached the consensus in this matter. Simply, each one on his own..
insanityOO7, again, if one is fully satisfied with his/her look/house/job/life, it's perfectly fine! But if there is unsatisfuction which makes your life miserable and THERE ARE MEANS to get rid of this unsatisfuction, why not to use it?? We are arguing about nothing. I don't say every ugly person has to go under knife now. Some not too pretty women are much happier than the prettiest ones. FINE! But you cannot force a person to change his outlook towards life, if he wants to change the way he looks, and he has an opportunity to do so.
If your husband and all your friends tell you that this dress is gorgeous, but you don't like it, and you do have a choice to wear another dress, will you change your outlook towards this dress or will you change a DRESS? It is your choice and noone's else!
"...LP, no one is perfect. there is no limit for improving yourself (or ANYTHING in this life!).. "
Exactly, there is no limit to a person in improving himself, and I think a person willing to undergo surgery for beautification without any genuine reason is a person who should improve his outlook towards life which makes him think in that way in the first place.
As marcos suggested it could be a matter of self confidence...
".....And certainly the first combs looked a little different than nowadays, and- made of rough stone ..."
Man created combs, so we can change and modify as we wish, and use it for our grooming.
But Human beings were created by God (we didnt create ourselves, neither can we create our souls). Hence, if we go under the knife (surgery) just for purpose of beautifying and adornment, then it means we are tampering with the creation..
Cosmetic surgery is just as dangerous as any other major surgery; there is a real risk of loss of life or disfigurement. Only when it comes to this one, you are actually voluntarily throwing yourself under that knife!
If you want to get it done simply because someone told you were ugly, and then the problem is with them. There is nothing wrong with your appearance; you don't need the approval of everybody to have self confidence.
Okie, dokie. Let them spend their money on these relatively useless things. I always say, it doesn't matter what a woman wears, I'm gonna undress her anyway. However, I agree that while "on the hunt" people do a lot of things to attract. Similar to the animals! I laugh about the mating ceremonies of animals, they look so stupid. But in the eyes of the other (hot) ones, it looks gorgeous. But still, it's funny. By the way, they painted caves as far back as 20.000 BC (Altamira in Spain and other caves in France). See how you are fooled by the (clever) industry, dear QS.
LP, canon of beauty will change in 200 year? :) so?
... all plastic surgeries are done only based on your own requirements, not anyone's else. You change whatever YOU are not comfortable with, not anyone else. And if you are comfortable with everything, it doesn't mean you are a perfect beauty, it only means you are Ok with your appearance, which is also fine!
It's like decorating your home. You design your home according to your ideas of beauty. You will live in this house, and YOU should be comfortable - both physically and emotionally - to live in it. And if color of the walls drives you crasy every single day, you go and paint the walls. Hey, by the way, caves weren't painted, so - again - why to bother and to paint your home's walls, and hang some nice decor around? Why not to stick to your "mother Nature" and keep living in dirty "ungroomed" inattractive cave? Well, some people do that.. so again, whatever make them happy!
BTW, guess what, even most beautiful woman (in your opinion) MIGHT want to change something in her appearance! There is no absolute beauty, everything is relevant!
Again, this is great that today we have these tools and means and technology, which allow you to do some great stuff, in different spheres of our life. Why not to use it?? Why to hang back and try to live like a 100-200-1000 years ago? See the bigger picture, darling!
LP it's not the Helmet I was referring too, I was talking about whats underneath the helmet!
Plastic surgery is not so bad some ppl actually do need them
Each to their own, the odd nip and tuck is fine but I think some people find it addictive and once they get the plastic surgery bug they go overboard to correct themselves...although I would personally love to have surgery I don't think I have the balls...
That yellow helmet really improves your looks, UK.
Even Men need improvements. Say no more!
The question, QS, is, what is improvement? And what is perfect? Are you or anybody else setting the rules for 'perfect'? If so, then why does anybody have to follow it? If they do, they do it from a subjective point of view. And fashion shows that it changes all the time. What is beautiful now is considered disgusting in 200 years. What was beautiful in the baroque is disgusting nowadays. I still have pity on those poor people who think they have to "improve" to what is considered beautiful now, for a while.
Ewwww... she's ugly :(
lol.. insanityOO7.. just imagine.. thousands of years ago, primitive people were watching incredulously the first women, who combed their hair, and perhaps were whispering: 'see what this slut is doing, combing her hair! why she does not want to look like all of us, the kids of Mother Nature?' And certainly the first combs looked a little different than nowadays, and- made of rough stone - probably were harmful and dangerous enough..
See a bigger picture, darling!
LP, no one is perfect. there is no limit for improving yourself (or ANYTHING in this life!).. If people didn't try to improve everything around and themselves, we still would be sitting in the caves.. so feel grateful, not pity! :)
It's not a "sin". It only proves that you don't belong to the chosen few who are beautiful by nature. I have pity on those who have to pop-up their appearance to look attractive. But that's life, and it is unjust.
insanityOO7, "Grooming is different" is just because we used to it, by the hystory of centuries... one day plastic surgery (or any other way of imroving your appearance) will be considered as simple and common procedure as styling your hair, or putting a make-up. for "a person's worth is linked not to what he is and what contributes to the society as a whole but to his looks", - yes! that's what we are talking about. Some people's appearance is their money-maker, or you can say, their contribution to the society, you cannot deny it. Simple.
In Thailand thousands of males change their entire gender , just for making money! So why fixing your nose, or filling in your lips, or sucking out your excess fat is a "sin"?
Wouldn't it be lovely if everyone thought that way insanity. :)
"...Isn't it lovely being a woman? We get plastic surgery to try and match men's expectations of us .."
Very true...
Also just like your signature "This post is a natural product. The slight variations in spelling and grammar enhance its individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects"
I think we can modify it to fit men/women also,
"each person is a a natural product. The slight variations in looks and color enhance their individual character and beauty and in no way are to be considered flaws or defects"
Isn't it lovely being a woman? We get plastic surgery to try and match men's expectations of us and we get told that we're fake, but if we don't look like a Victoria Secret's model, we're fat and ugly.
Grooming is different, shaving etc. is part of grooming and I think there will be none who wont agree on this.
However putting yrself under the knife to change the way you look is like trying to change Gods creation.
Imagine that a person's worth is linked not to what he is and what contributes to the society as a whole but to his looks. I think the current generation needs to chose the right kind of role models.
Lastly, there are many women who after undergoing plastic surgery have regretted their decision and also sometimes it gives rise to many complications etc. I think this practise should be discouraged.
"...When it comes to Plastic Surgery, I am Totally Against it, It is like Challenging Mother Nature..."
I totally agree, unless as Marcos pointed out it is for genuine reasons/necessary.
beautifying one's self is such an investment. they are just molding and developing what mother nature had given to them. plastic surgeries and other means of cosmetic vanities aside from reconstructives are a matter of physical improvement as he or she improves his or her self confidence towards mother nature.
I think the issue of morality/immorality of getting one's sef fixed up depends very much upon the reason why thi person is getting a plastic surgery in the first place.
Some plastic surgery is necessary to correct defects that cause a person more trouble than just vanity. Such as people with extra fingers can't wear gloves.
People who have been severely burned are sometimes in a great deal of pain and the plastic surgery repairs that. There are other changes similar to these.
brit, what it has to do with me? I thought we are talking about singers.. and I am not in entertainment industry... I mostly invest in properties and diamonds.. but, obviously I take a very good care of myself by following a diet, by exercising a lot, using the best available creams and other products, etc.. WHO doesn't want to look good??? and if today's means and technologies allow you to do so, it would be stupid to refuse it and to look like ungroomed Neanderthal, direct son of the mother nature, just from the cave.. but again, as nomerci said, YOUR choice.. you want to make a joke out of yourself, stay ungroomed and 100 years behind technologies..
Have you "invested" recently :O)
Brit, nobody is forcing anybody. Everybody can make their own choices.
if you are guys soooo against 'Challenging Mother Nature', why do you cut your hair? Why do you shave? why the girls (and some guys) do mani-pedi, go to the hair stylists, put on some make-up? Why do you choose to wear this shirt and not that? or these pants and not those? Shortly, WHY do you beautify yourself in ANY possible way, and then claim that you are against 'Challenging Mother Nature'?
Then don't brush your teeth, don't comb your hair, don't cut the nails, and don't spend fortunes on the clothes, let alone on the cars and fancy houses.. go back to the caves, to Mother Nature.
Plastic surgery is as same investment as any other. You want to be in the entertainment industry on its highest level - you better beautify yourself as much as you can! Otherwise no one, including those who against 'Challenging Mother Nature', will give a sh*t about you...
The media and peer pressure is forcing us to be something we are not naturally.
I sooooooooooooo Totally Agree wid yuh MArcoNandoz... :)
I Believe in Natural Beauty....
When it comes to Plastic Surgery, I am Totally Against it, It is like Challenging Mother Nature...
@MarcoNandoz LOL! Do you do this at work? :))You're one lucky ****. Well, I think that's the trend in the entertainment industry.
Don't mnid the spellin errors! :D As you can see thsi was post 5 minutes before office closing time :D