I am Big Fan of Ice Cream ...BUT!!!

To all Ice cream Fans
i bet you heard of Baskin-Robbins promotion that you can Buy 2 with discount.
now my problem is that i think Worooq(sidra shops) either they hate us or they hate us :P or they use us.
in Mira the promotion was on , evening i bought one from Sidra and they said that this promotion ended and not only this.(which is not)
they sold it to me by 28 QR which costs 21 QR. in normal days.
after all of this...i hate you woqod people :(
and because of you i will be Electrical fan. :(
So the forced you to buy it, and now you will be an electrical fan?
I suppose Waqood have to charge extra for the 24 hour service they provide at the petrol station.
Staff salaries and low turn out.
I LOVE IT in baskin Robins yummy
yummy baskin robin's ice creamm..yum yum
too bad their is no like on QL,
better to write it :)
"i like your comment"
changing oil in woqood costs me around 240 QR.
last time, i bought the oil from Toyota,and went to some workshop it costs me 120 QR ( and i had one litter of oil extra :) )
it was evening ...around 10 pm.
and i had a gathering with friends,and no time to look around for cheaper.
but i really hate the way they put their prices
DiD: i like ur signature
osamabawab- I like their ice cream smoothies too! The chocolate chip ice cream with almonds and whip cream! Now, i am drooling :S
woqod is offering higher price for everything (even for oil, tires and batteries) so food items definitely will also be more expensive there.
better buy it from Baskin-Robbins outlets it will be more fresh and cheaper, it is damn tasty.
recently i started to like their thick shake more than the ice cream alone.