QP - 2 Day Technical Interview

By desert_pele •
Hi All
I've been invited to attend a 2-day "Technical Interview" at QP for the position of Senior Business Analyst.
I have been invited for 2 days and understand that one day will pretty much been taken up with a medical.
I'm keen to hear if anyone knows what the typical format is at QP for a face to face interview...e.g. how many people will typically be interviewing me, has anyone had an interview for a Buniness Analyst role, any QP-specific do's and don'ts when it comes to a site interview?
Any assistance will be much appreciated.
Cheers All
inshallah...wish u all the best...
Cheers Strom
Prado - thanks. I applied via the website and they got in touch within 3-4 weeks. I applied last year and got no response. It's all rather bizarre in that there doesn't appear to be a hard and fast rule about what they want. I'll see what they say at the interview and take it from there... inshAllah it will be positive. I'll let you know that happens
hi bro,
best of luck also wonder how you got the interview with qp coz i ve been looking to get an oppurtunity also i have similar background..
best of luck man......all i can say.... :-)