Whats the deal??

By Missteacher •
what's the deal with the weather lately?? I want the sunshine back :( ...plus expecting visitors from Scotland who are depending on the 'hot weather' to warm their cockles!!!
This time last year it was really quite hot...when do we think the weather will start to resemble a Middle Eastern sun???
Rain, rain, go away
Come again some other day
We want to go outside and play
Come again some other day
:D :D :D :D
Had rain all my life.....la shukran!!
I love rain, i wish for more
i like the weather too.
I don't want the sun!!!! Seen plenty of it when I was in the Kuwait ):
Cherukkan It was a Goat in the Greek Mythology not the Sad Cow!
Only know a few terms that the man is saying, silly old cow and miserable old cow when I look at the above picture!
UkEng, I think it is something linked with Greek Mythology.
Rizks but what is the connection between a man and a Sad cow and Sun and FUN?
I've heard of Brits friendsheep with Betsy but not heard much about Man best friend the cow under the sun?
becoz the milk is freezed in his milking bag coz of the chilling climate....:) so need SUN now....lol
Why is the cow sad in the above picture?
No I will be cold Scotland in August! I will be dying to come back to the land!!
I love the sunshine and warmth!
I hope the cloud doesnt go and stays for ever ! :(
I simbly love this climate !
I promise you will miss this weather by August.
I like it, makes a nice change
Sorry miss teach but not in a hurry myself for the sun, no worries it is coming until you like it :):)
Brit, me too !! i have to take a scroll for a 2nd look !!
And when it does, in all it's glory, we'll be all whining how unbearably hot it is! Specially when the water in our taps can easily be used to boil tea and the air cons start breaking down. Not to mention walking around wondering if we are gonna ever end up being a part of the statistic of those who perished in the summer! Ah yes...nothing like em summer sunny days.
I think its a Dog :O(
Oooooh, I hope the sun comes out quick, no-one wants to see an angry Scots(wo)man ;-)
OK Missteacher...let there be sunshine !! abracadabra..abracadabra..abracadabra..:)
Yiyee thought this forum hadn't worked...weird!
I know but now its not hot for me...I have adjusted to the great Middle Eastern sun :)
+6 degrees is hot for a Scotsman .. :o)
listen and see the thunderlights on the horizon.
Such weird climate!!!
last time he was here (2 weeks ago), he's moaning the same thing....lol