False Advertising By Lulu - decieving

So was browsing the local paper yesterday when I saw a lulu ad for the "NEW IPAD" with all the IPDA 3 specs for 2299.
What a deal ?!
so called lulu - "do you have the new ipad 3?" yes sir, we do .. awesome !!
So found a buyer for my IPAD 1, but before selling went to buy the IPAD 3 from LULU ..
Turns out the ad was for IPAD 2 !!! WTF?? New IPAD with the ipad 3 specs advertised all over the papers, but apparently they meant the ipad 2.
This is misleading false advertising. The intentionally left the number 3 out of the ad, yet putting the ipad 3 specs on the ipad 2, to lure customers in ..
They have the flyer on their site, if you go to apples website, there is no ipad 2 with these specs ...
picture also attached
Very good tablet indeed, what gets me is that even in frankfurt I could not find any accessories.
Asus EEE is what's popping.
Flor you are a woman?! lol Wow...
ASUS EEE.... Rules ;-)
cool down my friend, last few days some one has irritated you so much that you are too hard to please.
polite conversation. can u tell me one single advertisement that apple called the new device I pad 3, or can u quote one single writeup in any tecno blog that call it ipad 3.get a life, why don’t u just to stick to topics u understand.
I would again reiterate there is no such thing called ipad 3 ,please check apple website and read some credible technology blogs .lets don’t behave like tecno illiterate. Inspite of considerable speculations and debates in technology circle. Apple did not name it apple 3.
'Lu Lu'... a real crowd puller , see, again, PeterGrifin is there.
expatq, the real dumbass is you Sir. Yes it is called Ipad 3 as it is the third generation of Ipad. (Try to google Ipad3 and see the results if you are still in doubt)
Techs at Lulu are extremely stupid and they lack the minimum communication skills required for any sales person. I have been there on multiple occasions and my foot can speak better English than any of them.
I am sorry but we are not in India here, when I customer asks a question in English, the minimum is to get a straight answer in English language. Call me racist now because this is all what you guys are good for.
some one made a real fool of u, how can u buy a product that dod not exist!there is no such thing called i pad my freind. just browse the net and u will know.
iam surprised how ill informed ur about latest ipad,u r not only tranishing reputaion of a company,but also misleading Qls. there is no such thing called ipad 3 my freind, the apple company just named the latest version just,Ipad.anyone following apple will tell u that, inspite of inetsnse speculation they did not call it ipad 3.only someone who wants to mislead u will say that they sell ipad 3.how can anyone sell or buy a product that do not even exist.please ackowledge ur ignorance an apologise to eveyone in QL for misleading
so after more investigation, and based on a couple of comments on this forum that indeed the ipad at the lulu was the 3, decided to pay the store a visit one more time.
Sales people again clueless, do not know if the ipad they have is 2 or 3 (all though all said the day before that its the two) ..
Anyways .. took the box, checked the model number on the back (MD328) .. apple simply puts an ipad logo on the front and thats it.
So looked for the MD328 on the internet and turns out its the Ipad3 .. so yes, it was the ipad 3, but because of very poor training, the sales staff didnt know that it was the one advertised and in stock.
so eneded up buying it (having sold my ipad 1 already and in need of an ipad) .. but still, have they been better trained on what they sell, even as simply as knowing what they are selling, would;ve saved me all this hassle
Is the new ipad hotter than its predecessor? Is that really an issue? No!
The heatgate drama is completely blown out of proportion.
I have an ASUS EEE TRANSFORMER PRIME tablet which is much faster (QuadCore CPU, vice the standard DualCore)than the current Transformer and Samsung tablets being sold on the market. If you take this baby to the extreme by running Hi-Def videos for extended periods of time or by playing HD games you may feel that it starts warming up a bit more than usual.
I am not an apple lover but have to admit that they know what they are doing.
over-heating problem, iPad 3 will remain unattractive.
Brit , Pink is not good , paint it black ;)
hahahahaha brit, you made me spit my coffee!!!
I havent heard this. I hear it heats up just fine..lol
...By Lulu and Doha Bank in joint ...service of people...they were giving 10% discount !! ??
BunQL and Greeker,
When three sales people behind the ipad counter and a supervisor look in the eye and tell you bluntly: "Sir, this is not the IPAD 3, its the IPAD 2" .. what exactly are you supposed to believe?
Besides, the model they advertised wouldn't have the 4g connection, so even if it was the ipad 3, still false advertising ..
but to answer your post, the sales people assured me multiple times it was the ipad 2 .. so its either:
a) false advertising
b) they don't train their staff since they might believe a paying customer does not have the right to be handled by properly trained staff.
Whatever said and done, Lulu has the best price in the market. Be it the grocery , veg , fish... or even the house holds and electronics.
Just compare with the carrefor , spinnys , G mart ..etc.
They don't give warranty in apple products, ONly 24 hrs warranty in apple gadgets product(IPOD,IPOD TOUCH,IPHONE & IPAD)
I was at Lulu two days ago (near old Airport) and I saw the offer too. I went there and they were just stacking the Ipad 3s onto the shelf. I held one in my hand and checked it out. It really is the Ipad 3. Why should they lie? Who are they going to fool?
Like BunQL said, please don't post malicious comments just like that. I don't know what happened in your case, maybe the salesman wasn't able to understand you well or the stock must have run out.
You just have to wait till fresh pieces arrive then. But be assured that the Ipad 3 is available at Lulu. All the best.
That's pretty low, does Doha have a Better Business Bureau?
My KIA suffers from overheating problems also :0(
Hopefully I m the first lucky one to buy IPAD 3 from Emax- Great model ... Even the staffs there are pretty tech savvy .. try it there ... you will get it .. seems they hv limited stock....
Yeah regarding grocery, I don't have any complaints.
Well, I buy milk and veg there...so far no complaints.
By Lulu and Doha Bank joint offer they block your 6000/- against the offer and if you want your blocked money back they will deduct 300/-
Not only dishonest but also most of the techs they hire are a bunch of retards.
Every time I go to Lulu and I ask anyone that works in IT about something, they have NO clue how to answer. All they do is gang up with each other and exchange discussions in Indian Language (how unprofessional) and then answer you 2 words which makes you even more confused.
I truly hate lulu and I try my very best not to step a foot inside it. Unlike what many people think, their prices are really not cheap if compared to any other hypermarket and the service you get there is just bad.
yeah, thats the one they advertised, its the IPAD 3 .. however once you go to the store, they tell you its an IPAD 2 ..
iPad 3 Has Heating Problems....
Here is the one, they advertised.
Do you know hidden details about Lulu and Doha Bank joint offer?