Where can I find Hardwood Ply
I visited many different timber suppliers in Industrial Area and in Najma, but I cannot find any good quality plywood. The plywood sold are either soft wood ply, or plastic-coated "shutter ply" (often incorrectly referred to as "marine ply"). Does anyone know of a company that import good quality harwood plywood - the type that does not buckle and can be used for funiture?
Please contact me if you have any requirement of PLYWOOD. We are one of the BIGGEST trading co. in Qatar & GCC providing PLYWOOD and other building materials.
Thanks & Regards,
Jiyad Rasheed (Business Development)
T: +974 3114 8579
E: [email protected]
if you find this product, which you are looking for, please inbox me with the prices & the contact numbers!
thanks in advance!