Playing Football
Where can I play football? I have recently arrived to Doha from the UK and am keen to play regular football. It can be indoor or outdoor, 5/6 a side or 11 a side including leagues. I'm not professional by any means (!) but want to play at a good level, can anyone help or know where I can play?
Many thanks.
kindly contact me if you found where to play football+97477609604
Hi Mike
Thanks yes might do as you suggest and visit Aspire Zone to see if there are any games I can join. Will let you know if I'm successful! I've also come across QSports League where you can register either as a team or as an individual so hope to play there too.
I arrived 3 weeks ago and have met a couple of guys who have invited me to the occasional game.
Settling in well thanks weather is picking up. Only tip is to familiarise yourself with the various settling in processes over the first couple of months, your employer will probably be able to help with that. You been out here before?
i would imagine there will be regular games played in the aspire zone. why not pop along at weekends and see if there is anything going on. let me know too as i will be coming over in june/july and will be looking for the same.
how are you settling into doha? any tips??