please enlighten me
Hi I am Dave an instrument engineer for a construction company, I have been working in Qatar for 9 months now and still not familiar with the rules and laws prevailing in this part of the world, i have seek some legal advise but all are different from the others, dont even know much people here to refer to my "problem" and someone have just advise me to seek some advises from this site, and could enlighten me....
I have a friend who has been working here, actually he was the one convinced me to work here together with her wife as i have worked with his wife before in the United States,My friend was just arrested,of which case I am not aware as of the a gesture of support and being a good person to me I wanted to pay a visit in the jail, but dont know the requisites or the legal implications of such visit, i have spoken to her wife and she said i need to be added on the list of people allowed to visit him, by doing so, i need to give my full details, now my problem is that is there any legal implications on this? according to her wife, its ok as he had already the judgement and there will be no legal effects on me now, I am afraid that i may be implicated and questioned why or the authorities may question me about my participation in his case which i swear i dont even know that he had a legal battle ever since.
people of Qatar living I would appreciate very much if you could enlighten me, for me he is a good man and im forever indebted to him because if not for him i would not have been having the life i have now, i owe him so much as a friend and my conscience would not be at peace if could not at least pay him a visit......
As human, much more of a good friend, regardless of what he did in the past, still he deserve to be visited,as a sign of support as this is the only thing I can do for now...
thank you so much....God bless us all
Doha Knight, Flor & Molten....your opinions matters, thanks so much.
American Citizen Services (ACS) Unit can assist.. U.S. citizens in Qatar..
Please call (974) 496-6000 at any time.
Prayers , Good Luck...!!!
I don't know what scaring you unless you are witholding some info here. I mean the nature of offense might be one or etc etc etc.
There will be no legal implication. I have never visited any inmate in Qatar Central jail but have similar experience in Dubai.
In Dubai Central jail, anyone can visit an inmate but only on one scheduled day in a week. The day and time is fixed. We were allowed to handover some money to the inmate. This visit was only for about 10 minutes and conversation was across a glass window with some holes.
Only relatives and spouses are allowed to meet the inmates in private where they are allowed to talk at length in a closed room.
In both cases, there is no legal implication.
thanks Candid....appreciate it so much
Nisar kocherry is legal advisor you can see his legal message in gulf times, his office is in gemco building opposite toys r us the area is called alsaad near to ramada signal he is working with qatari lawyer mr abdulla,nisar is from India,he is very nice gentle man also social worker and adviser to indians and indian embassy,.....good luck