anybody going for umrah to saudi by road in 2nd week of april 2012

salam, i am planning to go for umrah to Saudi in the 2nd week of April, 2012. I wish i could find anyother family going to saudi by road on thier own car.. so that some families can go together. I feel like going together would help us all.
Anybody planning like this pls let me know.
Saeed Siddiqu
mob. 5529 0499
Al wakra
I am also planning at the end of this month. Can I have you contact number to discuss. thanks
salams bro..i am planning to go but by end of Aprril or first week May.
s... i am also planing, but my vehicle is company's and it is on installment from nisan.......... i am not sure i could go.......................
contact:[email protected]