Will you do it?

I just watched "The Million Dollar Baby" on TV. And I am just curious of what's your stand on "Euthanasia" (practice of intentionally ending a life in order to relieve pain and suffering.) I remember they called it mercy killing back home.
The story is about an amateur female boxer (Maggie) who suffered paralysis when her dirty-fighter opponent gave her a sucker punch from behind after a round has ended., she was knocked down and fell hard on a stool and break her neck leaving her paralyzed (no hope for recovery) and is only living thru a machine. (she can still speak but cannot move her body.)She got her one leg amputated because of bed sores. She asked her trainer (Frankie,who established a paternal bond with Maggie) to help her die.
If you were Frankie, will you do it?
when a patient is attached to a life-support, to which the doctor will asked if there is a need to pull-off the plug. That's a different story as that of euthanasia.
Euthanasia is someone not in life support machine or whatever. It is mercy killing by either inducement of a drug or whatever means.
Is euthanasia dying in peace? For or to who?
There's no hope for recovery on her paralysis. I think knowing that fact already killed the patient.
Will you still want to live if you know for yourself that you are slowly dying and killing your loved ones day by day too? (emotional,financial,physical burden so to speak)
If it is with the patient's consent and will, I will do it and i will do the same if it happens to me.
So please dont say that we dont have emotions just because we are in favor of this kind of practice. We are just being selfless.
I would say only doctor's should be able to carry out euthanasia Flor, and I don't see why someone dying of Aids is any different than someone dying of cancer?
yes plenty
We are often found taking resting in peace for granted as if we have taken a walk in the hereafter ourselves. Is resting in peace guaranteed on the other side of mercy killing. Who knows what degree of suffering awaits her after death as compared to her current sufferings.
So be it if pandoras box needs to be opened!
omg, terrific people, indeed! You are opening a pandora box!
Not if these people are able to lead a relatively normal life with the disease. However if the cancer or aids patient is in so much pain & are not getting better then sure why not?
do we need to kill all non-curable cancer victims? What about AIDS patients, do they have the right to ask to be killed mercifully if they asked to?
I would definitely do it and would expect the people I love to do it for me in return if I was in a condition/state that made my life unbearable. To refuse would just be cruel in my my opinion.
It is not the same as abortion at all....I disagree with women who abort their child just because they are not ready to have a child or don't want it. Women who have been raped or have a seriously disabled child then I can understand. However, it is a woman's right at the end of the day.
not by myself.It would seem too much like playing God and/or murder, which I could never do.I would however want earnestly that the individual be put out of their misery one way or the other, and hope a doctor might think it's justifiable to end their life, in a legally accepted manner.
It depends Flor, has the person you're killing asked you to kill them? Or are you just assuming that because they are suffering that they want to die?
If the person has asked you to take their life, than no, I don't think you are a murderer.
However, if you're just making the assumption, then you are a murderer.
robbery, homicide or murder? In mercy killing, you claim lives which you justify by making pretences that the victim is suffering.
Again, if it was put in will or say pre-arranged by the person itself that he/she wishes to be put to death if he/she suffered such or certain kind of situation, that's another story and still the judgment will be for a specific authority to do it.
Flor I don't believe you can put mercy killing and the death penalty in the same boat. Mercy killing is helping someone to commit suicide who is unable to do it themselves do to a medical condition. They may be in extreme pain or vegetables. Either way, they do not wish to live anymore, and have made it clear that THEY want to die. If it wasn't for medical science many would have died long ago of natural causes. For the religious amongst you, you could look at it as giving God a helping hand.
The death penalty kills healthy human beings who have broken the law. Presumably they don't wish to die, and are not currently dying of natural causes. Also, they may have been wrongly found guilty of the crime, or may suffer from mental problems that make it difficult to hold them responsible for their crime (i.e low IQ, insanity, etc). Many come from abusive or impoverished backgrounds, etc. For the religious amongst you, you are playing God, and taking his rightful punishment away from him.
who justifies mercy killing are also proponents of death penalty.
My real point is, if they wanna do the mercy killing, do it discreetly (either upon advice of the doctor in conjunction with court order) but not publicly. But even that would be unjustifiable in front of Him.
Unless a pre-signed document is present, who would determine the pain of a "dying" patient?
One thing is sure......typing in this forum is easy but when reality strikes it will never this way...u dont know what u will come up with...at that stage of mind, u might kill her not to see her suffer...but after that u might also feel guilty for what u have did.....!!!!
my opinion is to kill......but cant say what we might end up doing!!!!
Simple and Straight, Yes i would Die rather then be In Pain........ :(
We are not the author of this life, Only God who is our creator know when will be our life ends.., a person would help her see life beautiful even in the midst of trouble. Sometimes blessings comes coated with struggles and pain, we just need to be still and believe that God will be on our side.
Even protected sex fails. No contraception is 100%
The only choice for such women should be not have unprotected SEX. I guess?
I disagree. Babies are a choice. There are plenty of situations where a woman may become pregnant and be in no place to raise a child. Should married couples stop having sex because they can't afford another child? What about women in abusive relationships? What right does she have to bring a child into that situation? What about drug addicts? What about women who become pregnant through rape? Or who find out that the child will be severely disabled?
If you don't agree with abortion, don't have an abortion, and teach your children how to avoid putting themselves in a situation where they will need to have an abortion. But don't take away the choice from other women.
Miss Mimi:Not only is it murder..Babies are not a choice. it should be ILLEGAL everywhere. You had sex, made the baby; it’s your responsibility to give that child a chance. if a woman is Mature inuff to have SEX and **** around. She most def should be mature enough to Have a KID and put it up for ADOPTION
It is a life...a human life and I don't believe anyone has the right to destroy a life
Yes, I would do it.
Pull the plug...Please...
UK, for as long as there's been pregnancy there's been abortion, it is by no means a modern practice. And making it illegal or calling it murder won't stop it. Women have the right to decide when and how they will bear children, it's our body, it's our right. Bringing unwanted children into this world, or being forced to go through a pregnancy that you don't want is not fair to either the parent or the "child."
Mercy killing is putting someone seriously ill out of their sufferings. Abortion is just plain murder of a living being.
Miss Mimi, At the end both are living Beings, in both case the life of a living being is been taken away. End result is same.
Abortion is a modern practice just like the ancient times when they used to bury unwanted children alive. The only different now is that they kill it inside the womb rather than when it is born.
Euthanasia, is a suicide in my view!
Well with euthanasia you assume that the person being euthanized wants to die, and just needs assistance to do so.
With abortion, the "child" was never a person to begin with and has no known opinion on the matter of its death.
I don't think I could do it, It will be a test of character for me and how I deal with such situation, but would never take away someones life.
Other another subject, abortion is also taking a life but is not seen as same as euthanasia?
In my opinion, mercy killing is both a good and a bad thing. If someone was suffering to the point where they could no longer take the agonizing pain they feel everyday, and that person wants to die, then that person has a say in what they want to do. If that person wants to die, then mercy killing is good. But if someone was suffering to the point where they could no longer take the agonizing pain they feel everyday, but they still wanted to fight for their lives, but someone else wants to put them out of their misery, then mercy killing is wrong. To sum it all up, if someone who is terminally ill is suffering and wants to die, then mercy killing is good. But if someone is suffering from their disease but they want to keep fighting, then mercy killing is wrong. As long as the "victim" wants to die then mercy killing is fine.
I don't think I could do it, not to someone I love. However, if I could convince a nurse to give them an overdose of morphine, I would do it.
for me it depends upon the situation... If its the only solution to relieve the pain and suffering of a person then go for it... but their should be a consent from his/her family.
Agree with smoke.. better to rest in peace rather live in pain :)
You guys are only looking at it from one point of view..it happened coz of the boxing accident. Lets see it on much wider point of view...lets say any accident leaves a person paralyzed, unable to do any of life's normal duties without the aid of others. Put yourself in that place, you cant drive a car, u can take a walk, u cant go to the toilet u cant do ANYTHING without the help of someone else. Would u still want to live? Imagine the costs that you or the family would have to put up with just to keep you alive and for what?
Sometimes its better to think with the brain rather than the heart. I would want someone to do this to me like i would do it to someone who wished for it.
in my opinion killing is killing (mercy killing or intending killing) so if i were in his place i wouldn't do it.
in her case she made the initial mistake by being part of that dangerous boxing and she has to bear the consequences.
To human, nothing can justified it.
I will try to improve her life anyway possible rather than killing her in the name of mercy killing. She can speak, that is what can be used to find a purpose for her in life.
Because something you can't give you must not take. Life is precious.
I will kill person who allow boxing (human hitting human for entertainment)
I know only God give and take "life" but if is painless and for mercy I would agree! as a matter of fact I'd wish the same to be done to me if I were in such a situation.
Well i will not... I will motivate her and gve her courage to fight & face the challenges and teach her to never loose hope.... Indeed its hard to see her everyday in such condition but killing her or to help her in thats is more harder & will never forgve myself..
Personally speaking, I will... :( (It will be heart-breaking of course) but it's with the patient's will and consent.
I'd rather see her die at peace than suffer everyday with her condition. (It's like killing both of us everyday :(