GM wants to remove Beard n w/r below ancle
Hi all,
I am having a problem in my workplace.
I am a muslim, and i grow my beard and wear my trousers normaly just above my ancles.
Now my Gm called me 2 days before and asked me to remove or shortn the beard and wear below my ancles cos they gives an odd looks to company when i am moving around these.
I told I cant do it cos it is not in Islamic way of doing things.
Still he wanted me to do. I told him clearly I cant and came out.
He told think abt it.
I dont want to do it.
Is there any other way to tacle this issue.
MODS Note :
The OP resolved his issue. Thread is locked for further comments. Thanks!
Brother SLman..Salaam alaikum
First of all may I wish you all the best in this trial you are facing. Truly may Allah give you immense sabr and guide you to doing whats right and grant you success in this world and the next..Aameen!
Now let me tell you a story. When I first married my husband, who was a convert to Islam, he was working as as a manager at a very famous Jewelry company in SL(you surely must be knowing the place...hint:S&S) At that time he too had just a trimmed beard and Isbal(meaning wore his pants below his ankle). After marriage we both researched this topic together and found enough evidence from the Quran and Sunnah to prove that growing the beard and wearing the garments above the ankle are in fact obligatory and not just optional.(any Muslim wanting proof please do contact me)
We then were left with the choice of either he choosing to do so and losing his job(he guessed he will be told to leave)OR not doing so, which would have been a sin in Islam. Mind you I was pregnant too by then(we had been married 3 months only) Rest assured we chose the former. We truly believed that by pleasing Allah we will never lose anything..we had strong faith in our decision.
Now...just as expected he was told by his "Muslim" boss to either trim his beard and lengthen his trousers or leave. The dude's exact words were "when in Rome do as the Roman do" Well..Goodbye Rome!
Since then, whilst we did face three months of hardship, what with me being pregnant and he jobless,I'm happy to say that not only did Allah grant us more blessings than we ever had, he also made our lives far more happier and removed from us hardships in ways unbelievable. My husband since then has worked in a far far better workplace in SL itself and finally landed his job here in Qatar where he is not only encouraged to dress the way he wants but has also got immense respect and repute in his workplace..Innal hamdullilah!!
Now my advice to you as a Muslim and as a fellow expat is: Talk to your boss again, get his final verdict. Then make Isthikarah and do whats best. Remember by pleasing Allah you will never this world or the next. And your boss has all the right to tell you what to do so don't try to fight him on this. It's not worth it. Be strong! Remember providence is from Allah. And he will not leave you destitute just cos you did whats right.. Audubillah! Barakhallahu feek.
Sorry for the long post. This is a subject very personal and close to my heart!
Sigh.... :( even after posting what the relgion clearly says abt the issue, we have personal opinions...
@leopardKing.....when wife asks to??????excuse me....whaaaaaat....
@ slman - Aslam walekum,
Dont get confused. i think u should do as ur GM says. But even if you wanna clear it more you call the Islamic Research Dept.(India) on +91 2223736875.
Please check the below link.
As per my knowledge i Muslin can shave his beard in two conditions. 1. wen the office whr a person earn money ask him to and 2. When his wife ask to.
But still it i think u should first talk to the islamic experts.
Snessy...See my profile pix..u ll understand better..doesnt mean i want to that literally lol but to use same concept/theme in everything...
agree with Brit....
Faith should be in ur soul, Showing off is anyways not allowed in Islam!
michelrobot..u reminds me of someone who did that... :D
It maybe indeed by funny to many who are not aware of the fundamental issue here obviously...either its coz its not really their side of affairs, or coz they are not simplt knowledgable...
just to make things clear..this person here is talking of a religious it doesnt mean everyone is religious is it..and doesnt mean everyone has to follow him or he has to follow others..
opinions given shud be based on the fact of the matter which again based on religious aspects, in this aspect...
just because you see a muslim who has not beard doesnt mean he is not religious BUT its also means on apperance he is NOT following a important aspect of religion, which is appearnce of a muslim
Even if the manager is from America, or UK or Saudi Arabia, its the same....answers to this issue should be based on facts (which as in this case should be religious) not based on what one see or feel or heard...
hello cryogenic ?? knock knock
LethalArrow: I'm curious...what does your signature "Aim, Shoot, Khalas" mean?
For the kind information of Muslims here... Pls understand what a sunnah is...Its not a "recommendation"..
In arbaic language: "a path/way or a course"
Its usage in the Sharee'ah: "the guidance which the Messenger and his companions were upon in terms of knowledge, belief, speech and action.
This is the Sunnah, the following of which is OBLIGATORY, whose adherents have been praised, and whose abandoners have been rebuked. The term 'sunnah' is also used for the various acts of worship and beliefs, just as everything which is contrary to it is termed 'bid'ah' (innovation)
So it was a SUNNAH to have a beard and have the trousers above ankle..
anything other than that is deemed bidah..and all bidah is from hellfire..
cryogenic pls pls tell us incase u were his GM ever would u monitor ur employees work or beard
did your OP tell you he had a lady boss? enjoy your weekend BG and take a breather from QL, we the long suffering QL audience... we all deserve some time without your wise cracks on every thread.
riza al azhar thats news to me
why is a beard bothering his GM tsk tsk
dear salman i had been in a similar situation b4 .not here but in india when i was working for an international BPO.
on of my team leaders asked me to do the same.
i was the only 1 amont 3000 employee to have a beard and i used to wear kurta and salwar above ankle.
i had enough courage to say "no i cannot do that" else i will resign.the matter was discussed by the higher management and eventually they let me be what i was.
may be this is an "aazmaiesh" from ALLAH i wasnt shocked when i read that ur GM was a muslim.
just pry to ALLAH and have paitience this is for sure ur testing phase.everyone goes thru that.
however u can wear ur pants below ur ankle only during work hours(as suggested by most of the islamic schlors) but Imaan demends u stick to what u r doin.
no offence intended but it was very stupid of u to open a forum here and discuss this matter.if i were u i would have gone to an islamic scholar.i am overwhelmed by the stupid suggestion ppl are giving when they dont even know the A B C of faith .......hahaha
cryogenic i now have a feeling ur the OP's GM tell me frankly ??
how silly this agruement is... if a man is clean shaven and wears normal trousers, he is not a religious muslim?
i find this funny..
religion is a personal choice. you are welcome to grow a long beard and wear trousers above the ankles, its fine but when you work in a corporate its an official requirement to conform to certain grooming standards.
this does not mean, the person is anti muslim or against any religion.
there are several pious and religious muslims around the whole wide world who are clean shaven and wear full length trousers but a handful of muslims here are more interested in "appearing" to be more religious. holier than thou.
your manager, who asked you to trim your beard, is he not a muslim? thank god hes not an american then this thread would have seen the usual QL haters come up with their conspiracy theories.
dont attach religious connotations to everything.
religion is a personal dialogue between you and God, dont belittle it based on appearence and other factors.
and finally baburao ganpat or whatever your new id is, you have been here in QL under so many aliases but your true color shows off again and again... keep hiding under the monkey face... fits you well.
1) Qatar is a Muslim country and Shariah takes precedence. That means even in the 'corporate' realm, one's religious convictions are allowed. No employer is to stop employees from dressing Islamically. If the OP reported this, his employer would be in some really hot water. Abayas, thobes, beards and ankle length trousers are all allowed in the workplace. Right from QP to cafeterias. These changes can be expected of him in the West; not here. Get with the program. It's a perfectly reasonable one.
2) To the OP: stick to your guns; if they find reason to get rid of you; well, it's probably best for you anyway. best of luck.
Although it is sunnah to wear the trousers above the ankle, it only recommended during prayer time.
As for the beard, Islam is about being clean. It is better for it to be trimmed.
TB ...I am glad you realised that women also hired for thier looks also sometimes...a fact which you contradicted preiviously..
Yes he asked on a forum which you and all have right to answer and give opinions on..which you did and which he is free to choose..thats what i did too...but he also asked on religious grounds, pertaining to islamic dress should know on religious lines also to asnwer isnt it, if one is giving a bona fide opinion,not only on corporate setiments and trends...if you go back and read, i was answering purely on the basis on islamic background and not what people thought or gave opinion about..
"As for the women - never said they dont dress that way but if they do its WRONG."...
but you said
"women showing cleavahe and short skirts are a BIG NO NO in a corporate environment. Thats why its called CORPORATE. There is a basic decorum that HAS to be followed - male or female."
what????????anways ,...then why that he dressed like this is wrong then???
I also dont care what each person wears according to his or her wishes...thats what freedom is about as long as its decent enough...
The answers i gave also was in relation to his issue...and how it can be compareed with other similar incidents...which is simply ignored at will..
u can keep some beard only...not very long...and wear the pants as normal..u can keep them below the ancle at prayer time only.
If you wear your trousers high enough people will see your
teachers have problems with beard in schools ?
I have the same reply given by TimTom.
When you were in the school did you wear uniform like others or you had your own dress code?
I have a small question...
As in KSA,
In qatar if the rules if they bring to waer everyone abaya and hijab... and for men same as qatar dress.
what whould u be your reactins..
yes they are protected by question only if its its indecent...not on religious grounds..
I dont think posting here was a have your rights to ask around which you did and which is what forums are about dont worry..i think some peole have misuderstood your bro..
Tinkerbell..So are saying women dont wear short skirts at all in a CORPRORATE....says who???maybe if you are interviewing you wouldnt hire but not in anyother place...forget cleavages and short skirts..assume one was hired for her looks coz she is to be in the reception and as you mentioned ealier,REFLECTS the company..few days later she comes with a hijab(head cover)..can anyone question her?Isnt she still following a basic docorum?
and i have to agree "this being an Islamic country many exceptions are made given the religion"- so just like for women to wear the abaya..muslims males are strictlcy told have the beard and wear above the many male does this is a matter of personal y question this guy if he prefers to wear islamically..
Telling person to trim or wear anything above is questioning on religious lines, which weather corporate or not should be avoided, again being an islamic coutry its nothing new...and should be expected...
cut th crap only flirting and having affairs with men is allowed in here
I already told I did a mistake.
Shalkl we claose this from this now....please...
slman said No i was checking any one has good... ...
I was not having any intension to make any one upset or disturb,
I simply wanted to c is there any one have similar experiences or is there any one who can advice on this for me.
Same time I forgot that many of in QL donst like to ask any Islamic questions.
I am sorry.
This my problem. So I'l solve it.
Thank you for all your valuable comments.
Any one can ask me how I solve this problem incase if you face same issue in the future. May allah protect all of us from these issues.
Read more:
Call Awqaf and report the problem to them,they will resolve it for you as this is a Islamic Country so brother dont worry at all, below is the details for the contact person
Ministry of Awqaf and Islamic ( 4447-0755 Mohammed Emad)
Pray for all muslims
Make dua bro everytng will b alright Allah (Swt) wit u always!!!
I was not having any intension to make any one upset or disturb,
I simply wanted to c is there any one have similar experiences or is there any one who can advice on this for me.
Same time I forgot that many of in QL donst like to ask any Islamic questions.
I am sorry.
This my problem. So I'l solve it.
Thank you for all your valuable comments.
Any one can ask me how I solve this problem incase if you face same issue in the future. May allah protect all of us from these issues.
Bang on Tink.
@prism..ya i ackowledge your technical point..assume he didnt have a a beard and his trousers were well below the ankle,he was hired...and now he becomes religious..and does what he has the dismay of the boss, right..So that gives boss the right to question his clothing is it?
What if a woman shows all her charm and cleavage just to impress,gets the job and the next day she goes to the job all covered up...(again to the dismay of the boss :)...what now...has got the right to ask..."what the...this is not what i hired you for????"
Now you are really going to limits of absurdity....if you really wanted to convey your message why didn't you keep it simple???...
Your forum heading could have been "Practices in Islam" or "Appearance of a Muslim Male in Islam"...
...and if it was really your intention to show through this post, "What some practices matters in Islam" , then I am sorry to say my brother that you cannot walk the path of truth by camouflaging it with something else!!
May Allah give Hidaayah to all...
the biggest issue is how people who are not really knowledgable let alone know anything about this matter try to voice an opinion and suggest new techniques...true enough the question was asked on an open forum..if one is not knowledgable abt the subject, one can ask like Smoke politely did...others..without knowing opinion..
deeds are considered based on intentions, so keep your intention as it is. and since he is not asking you to do something haram, I don't see any problem if you obeyed to his instructions.
Y are you worrying much...
At least Smoke learn today that Keeping he beard and wearing above the ancle is a practice of Islam and not a sign of terrorism.
I am happy that this made me to show some ppl that What some practices matters in Islam.
And I know though u dont like this post, there may be many benifiting from this.
May allah Give Hidaayah for the Muslims who are disturbing the practices of Muslims...
thats a absolutetly he said..there is really no point asking others opinion others have said here..,its a test of ur its upto you...and ur assesment that its better not follow another humans requirements than gods requirement is the better option, BUT only if you truly believe in the rewards of it...
huh beard cant grow before the interview
Technically speaking if someone hasn't cut the beard, the beard must have grown longer between the period he was interviewed and after....just an observation.
tinkerbell10/ Brit...well said.
bravo Lethal ur another reasonable soul
Thank you slman for starting a discussion that gives more opportunity for bashing the Islamic teachings....
Man, its your life, your faith...if you are strong in your faith and beliefs stand by it....if not leave it!!.....
You really think that you are going to be benfitted by putting this question for open discussion??? Look at the responses :
1) Trim your beard
2) Leave your job
3) Represent your company not your religion
4) Start wearing "decent" pants...(Pants longer than ankle length) got your follow these suggestions!!!
advise - Practise your not subject it to analysis by any Tom, Dick and Harry!!!
i wonder if,while interviewing and while the job descrption was given to him, there was any sort of restriction placed on what to wear and what not to wear.
Come one people...if a Sikh comes to work with a turban there is no problem,if a woman goes to work with short skirts and cleavage its no problem but if some has a beard and trousers above ankle its a problem...
If a guy hires him to WORK,he would have seen him at the interview...seen what he is wearing.. then thats all what can be expected and obviously as long as he is decent...if he is religious then y question him...
Question the work, not the clothes..and as far as keeping a religion at home, before going to work is really naive talk,which can only be expected out of a ignorant person..
Well then i dont see how you can avoid the situation, its not like u can hide the beard or something. Tell your GM you are there to work, if he has a problem with your work he has the right to complain...else FIRE your boss :P
Trimming the beard and wearing the trousers a little longer will not make you any less a Muslim.
Hi there! I just want to share that I think it is time for you to embrace the change in your life. I don't think Our God will judges us in our external appearance... Just give it a try..
I may not get what i want when i work under someone....
I am following Islamic practices. and I am stick to it. I dont mind what others says.
I also think that Leaveing the job is better for me than leaving the practices of Islam.
Well i'd say.. if you already have something that you like .. and also is the right thing according Islam.. then stick to it .. coz it reflects your belief... if your are a good believer, dont change anything ...its your personal choice to follow your religion where ever and how ever you want .. plus you live in a Muslim country, so what are you worried about?
Hazrat Muhammad-SAW once said, "My Lord has ordered me to keep growing a beard and to cut the mustaches." (Hukm ul ayyah)
. The beard should not be less than at least one fist below the chin. (fazail-e-nabvi)
. To cut or shave the beard is not leagal and is haram. (fazail-e-nabvi)
Brother, it may be small test of Imam from Allah (SWT). As you are not harming any one and you are only following the path of Islam, trust on Allah (SWT) merry. Inshaallah what ever the result, be confident it will be good for you for here and hereafter. Just always remember the 'Rizk' is from Allah (SWT).
There are some prescribed dress codes in Islam bro...for men to have a long beard and to wear garments just above the ankle(not up to the shin mind you)..this is prescibed to us jusy like we are not allowed to consume alcohol, or be part of activites involving intrest. Obvioisly there are reasons for all this some of which are made to understand, some of which we trust the wisdom of our prophet.
If one prefers to wear something which is decent( and which is islamic in this case)why shud anyone bother...///
it may not sound practical but we have to have Faith in Allah, Do as u do coz it is our religious values and it does not harm anyone.
Allah will and must have something good for you . Ameen
Someone TELL ME!!
keep the beard ,pants u can keep them below , at prayer time do the needful :)
You are right!
At workplace you are representing "company" not "religion".
Sorry to hear this bro
Your dress code is your choice which is what is prescribed in Islam and if you stick by it ONLY for Allah's sake, you will get your reward.
Your might have some turbulant times but ask dua and stick by it for Allahs sake.
So what happens if you trim your beard and wear normal pants according to Islam?
Please stick on to your religious values. Let Allah SWT show him the right path and you will be rewarded, Insha Allah.
Unfortunately they too muslims.