I know there is a topic related to the issues with Q-tel servers etc, but I can't find it anymre...
So, I guess my prob is common: I've configured Microsoft Outlook in order to send/receive e-mails using my mail-account I had open for years in my country of origin. I have gmail as well, but this mentioned mail acocunt I've been using for more than a decade for God knows how many online shops, e-bay, paypal, amazon, forums etc etc, so I guess it would be quite complicated to change it now after so may years...
So, during Outlook configuration I've put as incoming POP 3 server of that provider where I have maill account, and 5then Ougoing (SMTP) server from Q-tel, mail. And now I can receive e-mails, but cannot send. Is this SMTP correCt one at the first place?
Please, help! Any idea?
tq, cherukkan. no worries, space got there for no reason. I've put SMTP correctly... every single time :)
Thanks, but I've tried everything you've proposed and again same thing...
Maybe in my initial post I should also mention that once I put all required servers' names, my user name and pass and start "test account settings", it showed me that all tasks have been completed:
1) Establish network connection- completed;
2) Find outgoing mail server (SMTP) - completed;
3) Find incoming mail server (POP3) - completed;
4) Log onto incoming mail server- completed;
5) Send test e-mail message- completed
But then immediately after that a new window has popped up. It seems that's from Norton, since it has their logo on the top. And the content of that window is:
"your email message was unable to be sent because the connection to your mail server was interrupted. please open your email client and re-send the message from the Sent Messages folder".
And then there are three more lines below, in another window section "Email details" showing:
1) The e-mail address from which the message was send (my e-mail address, from which I want to be able to send all the e-mails using Microsoft Outlook);
2) The e-mail to which the message was send (again the same email address, to which I send that test message);
3) Subject: Microsoft Office Outlook Test Message
I hope you have approximate pic what was is happening with my Microsoft Outlook settings, cause I don't... :)
It looks to me that I have some issue with Norton, my antivirus program I have installed on my laptop. Maybe this mean ****^^^ doesn't allow me to send e-mails... :)
So, any other idea?
Check if your smtp server name entered is correct or not. As per your post there is a space after mail.
It should be