I am not getting paid in monthly basic
Dear Friends,
i am working for IT company for last 5 months, according my contract i should get my salary every months but the company paying me once in a while like 1 in a 2 months or once in a 45 days some how 1 month salary pending. i ask the management i need my salary every month because i have to support my family i have no any other score of income to support my family and my expenses here in qatar, the management replaying me that no enough income for the company so bring more money to the company and get your salary if the company not investing anything to get some business in this cash as i am marketing person i am Anabel to bring much business to the company even thou i am not the partner of the company and i am working for 10 hours and getting paid for 8 hours no over time if i ask about the over time they replay all are working 10 hours here so what i can do in this cash? i don't like to work for the company anymore. Please give me some good advice what i have to do.
thank you very much .
An unhappy employee
Mention that at the Labour and also the letter they give you from labour to hand over to the company will have a date of when the complaint was made,... keep a copy of that with you, If they complain to the CID after that date it will not be valid.Complaining to the Labour is the best option.
if go to Labor department the company can take the passport to CID and can the black list me ?
please make a written complaint and submit it to the labour department.Its useless staying in such a company. Atleast they will help you get out.