using indicators while driving

This is very unfortunate that people do not use indicators when required while driving. 99% people change lanes with out indicators or even take turn with out indicators. My ojective is to promote awareness of road safety in the society so that we can avoid lots of accidents. I promise if everybody start using indicators we can significantly reduce traffic accidents.
This is my humble appeal to drivers rsuhing on Doha roads.
Please join me in the cause to have safe QATAR.
A suggestion to the RTA - place cameras in different roads around the city. They do not have to be monitored 24/7 - just randomly - fine those who are seen to be driving dangerously, with no lights, not using lights, while texting or talking on their phones - once in place, it will be like the radars - people will behave in those areas at least - there are already a lot of cameras to monitor traffic conditions, use those for now.
If the driver is from the Subcontinent don't trust his indicators. He will go right if he uses the left indicator, just as he nods his head when he means 'no' and shakes it, when he means 'yes'!
Rofl britey !
i remember him showing me hand signal and overtaking me when i was in my tricycyle....:( GRRRRR
Even uses hand signals when overtaking walkers at the corniche :o)
LOL beso !
You know why I don't use indicators when changing lanes,... you can try it your self and see : when I indicate before moving left, I notice that a car at the left lane start accelerating and flashing to prevent me, "hey, are you taking my way,.. this is my own lane I got it from my father before,..!!!"
M-S-M (Mirror - Signal - Maneuver ) for safety driving and not SMS or BBM.
Rather than indicators: common sense is far more useful
For me its just natural.. Even changing lanes I use indicators let alone when on junction doing turning movements.
I believe the point of this thread is to get all QLers to use signals and obey the traffic laws. Do you people not get this! LEAD BY EXAMPLE!! It's that simple.
worse driver to say are people from the sub-continent.
is smoking while driving good?
Using indicators does not gives right to a driver to jump across a lanes without looking at all three mirrors and assessing if it is safe to maneuver vehicle.
Use indicators precisely where and when required.
I believe holding mobile phones to ears and blackberry texting/messaging on the move are the major culprits /dangers to all road users in this country.
Eradicating these two habits accompanied by proper use of turn indicators will result in safer commute for all driver and pedestrians.
I am doing it since Oct 2009.
Yes, using indicators should be automatic behaviour.
. . . says a lot about the kind of person he is.
I guess land cruisers and hummers don't have this provision at all in the can't blame the owners :-/
"defensive driving"? Expect the worst! Be on guard, stay alert!
You first have to assume in your plea that other drivers' cars have functional indicator lights - many don't have brake lights that work.
If they don't maintain their cars properly, they won't use any of the functions provided nor obey not using their phones, keeping to the right if driving slowly, using rear and side mirrors, I could go on and on and on.
I can vouch for Timebandit.. We both use the MSM method - Mirror, Signal, Manoeuvre .. with the odd expletive thrown in as required :O)
if that is true, 99 %, and TB do it automatically, then someone in this page is telling a lie! Lol! We are not even 100 here!
have seen people driving with their indicators on for long time, though they wont change lane or take a turn.
just careless driving
Please , please, please good people of QL. If we must resort to wanton violence then at least abide by the Marquis of Queensbury rules ..
Hahaha! I don't usually resort to violence... cause I hate cleaning after the mess...
But if you insist, I got a good one for you and jjj75....
"What's 2 of you in a chocolate fondue...?"
I have a couple of pistols right here. One each and then 20 paces please, turn and fire. Only let me get out of the way first please.
@ jjj75 - Naahhh bud, I'm a gentleman, I don't fight "unarmed" people... :)) LoL
Yeah - bring it on I say
Dshah - could you not tell my facetious tone? Maybe you need to perk up a bit?? Just saying...
So apt drovers dog...Thats for indicators are to tell that you are turning....
perfect.... it should work as campaign... at least among QLates..
i support this.... and i do follow.. as i was ..
perfect.... it should work as campaign... at least among QLates..
i support this.... and i do follow.. as i was ..
@ jjj75 - you obviously need some time off bud... Try to chilling out a little bit, people say it does wonders to one's self worth... :))
I got into trouble for using hand signal here in Qatar :(
I use indicators and hand signals :o)
and that makes more sense. Indeed!
First rule in defensive driving --- always assume the worst case (eg. Brake failure, folks driving half-awake, magical wall appears out of thin air, or people who simply don't fancy using them indicators, etc)...
Second rule : In the event of an unavoidable accident, refer to the first rule :)
TB, you are right, its automatic.
How can able this people think using indicator if they doesn't have tools to think about it, they even extremely lazy to use their brain.
Howdy buddy? I hope you're practising your scales ;-)
@ Colt45 --- Hahaha! ... Now THAT makes perfect sense... :))
The conjecture is logically correct. It's just BRILLIANT! :))
Dshah - it is a tad difficult to infer someone's tone from the written word - he may or may not have been sarcastic, hence the kidding comment, but I erred on the side of caution and assumed he was not. Quite frankly it would not surprise me if he was being serious
Agree to the poster 100%, prevention is always better than cure I'd always say...
lol .. You got a point over there..
I noticed that I am the only one using indicators on Roads, feels sometime I am an Alien in Qatar or don't know that in Qatar, people drives on the BEST judgment and guess, when the other driver could change the lane :D
To jjj75 - nbg is obviously making a funny....
Some people are impervious to sarcasm... Or humor for that matter :)
The probability of being involved in a traffic accident is directly proportional to time spent on the road. Driving fast decreases one's exposure.
One third of traffic accidents are caused by drunk drivers; two thirds are caused by non-drunk drivers.
Therefore, the safest way to drive is drunk and VERY fast.
I think its a very valid point, and i believe the Traffic departments with the help of ads and local media should start holidng compaigns on safe driving .for sure proper lane change and use of indicators are good sign of a proper driver with culture ..
Timebandit, I would hate to get "frowned upon". What could be worse?
Just kidding of course. The sad rea;ity is that most of those who don't use indicators don't even know what they are for. To hang worry beads maybe?
Being British, I always use indicators. Anyone not using indicators in the UK is severely frowned upon. For us it's just automatic, I don't even think about it.
Using indicators is a sign of weakness and lack of confidence. Go boldly and in a large vehicle or cower before those that do!
Not just using the indicator but way before the turn from the main roads. 50-60 meters should be ideal.
nbg - I hope you are kidding? If not that is the worst way to drive! If you are using your hazard lights (that is what they are properly called) they are meant for emergency situations, like when you are in the middle of traffic and your car suddenly breaks down or warning of a hazard ahead of you and to slow down. Using them generally does not give anyone any indication of your intention to change lanes or turn off, what is this, some kind of guessing game with you as the host?
I would already be happy if they would at least use their eyes.
I would support this cause. We need to be aware of these small things which may reduce big accidents.
thats y i always use double indicator when ever i drive so the ppl driving from both sides of my car will always be aware.