USA visa could be issued sooner?

It's an emergency. My friend's dying. I need to see them as soon as possible. I've heard that US visa takes up to 3months to be issued, and for me to be given the permission to go there. I'm by no means able to wait for three months.
How can I get the visa issued faster (i.e. at least by the end of January)?
Is there any way I can get it sooner than 3months?
I don't have any "evidence" to show them that it's an emergency and I need to see my dying friend.
I do need to go to the US as soon as possible, or I'm going insane.
(Additional info.: I'm 23, a student, Iranian. I'm only going to stay there for a few days; no more than 7days maximum.)
Please, anyone who can help me with this...please... share your thoughts. I'd be truly grateful.
Thank you in advance.
I totally agree with "anwarhasan". As an Iranian wanting to visit the US, you better come up with a better reason.
Good Luck!
With an Iranian passport don't hold your breath. It will probably take close to six months.
check the website however, US embassy doesn't grant visa for that reason specially if she/he is not a close relative, unless if the patient is with you and you need to accompany to the US for emergency treatment.