what is YOGA......?

hi friends...
i get lots of phone call regarding yoga class.
who ever calls me, they have a lots of misunderstanding towards yoga.
let me explain something about yoga in general.
it align and strengthen ur aura.
it strengthen your muscle and will not increase the size.
it give exercise to ur internal organs.
it helps to consume more oxygen.
it increase the blood circulation to each and every part.
and lots of benefits which i dont want to mention.
its not for decreasing ur over weight.
i will not say that it can cure diseases.
but it helps not to have any disease.
another this is there are different types of yoga.
there are 840,000 yoga pose.
in which 84 are considered 2 b very important.
from that 8 is very very important.
different people will teach different things.
but u must understand that it also depends on people. u need not do all 84. it depends on people to people...
what i teach is nadi yoga.
i teach yoga for free.
the reason y i explain everything here is...
some people came to me to learn yoga. but after few days they stopped. they had lots of misunderstanding towards yoga.
so lets talk abt yoga.
who ever is interested can ask any doubts u have...
Hi Supeesh, can u tell me the difference between Hatha Yoga and Nadi yoga ? As u stated above Trataka - is not just sitting and concentrating at a point , am I right ? And it is no way related to meditation also... And what is this " spiritual growth " ? Can you explain in detail ?
Well, yes, if my true self is an upside-down pretzel!
Yoga and meditation lets you find your true self :)
Wow, I always wanted my aura aligned and strengthened! (Now if I could just find it ...)
i specifically mentioned that i teach nadi yoga....
i am still a student in the path of kundalini yoga....
if he is interested then i can introduce him to my teacher...
thats what i meant when i say i can show him the path....
please understand ....
dont judge too fast........
he was not talking abt yoga.
he was not asking me to teach yoga.
he was talking about the higher state of yoga.
thats the reason why i can show him the path....
and i am also in the same path of kundalini...
understand the difference..
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:6896:]]supeesh yes free for any one who is really interested.... no matter male or female.... now cause blissfulsoul is male you'll show him the path .. what a hypocrite
i can show you the path..
u r the one who must walk through it blissfullsoul...
Supeesh is in difficult yogic posture; will return soon ;D
there ain't no response from Mr. Supeesh so I suppose he is either over busy or you know what..
Dear Supeesh,
I am interested in Kundalini Awakening Yoga. Can you teach me that.
Some dynamic yogic exercise like Sun Salutation is very good for weight loss & fitness. Kapalbhati is definitely effective for weight loss.
its perfectly all right..
take care..
supeesh, I am sorry, but no, it is not possible to meet.
yes free for any one who is really interested....
no matter male or female....
its for freee..........
just arrange the transportation and a place... thats it...
u really seems to be so generous .. but i have a doubt i want to clear it out,, is your yoga lesson free for all.. if I want to learn too how can i contact you...
i dont expect anything in return...
thanks for that.....but i dont have anything to offer you back in the form of knowledge.....( i dont have that much knowledge about spirituality)
y not...
i can teach u.
when ever someone offer something for free.. people doubt it...
and when people are in need of something, they dont find it...
i am also interested to learn yoga.....can you help me
now u r getting my point...
let me tell u one more thing.
the benefits a male gets when he does vajrasanam is different for a female.
to the male, the S e X organs are benefited.
but for the female her internal organs are benefited.
so u see. there is a big different between male and female.
internal organs are different hormones are different etc etc.
i am not telling female are not benefited.
my point is the benefits are different for male and female...
the exercise i mentioned above is called thradakam.
thats the simplest exercise i can tell u through this.
i am happy to know that u r doing meditation.
if i know tat b4, i will never ask u to do that.
i think i must learn from you.
is it possible to meet?
and share ur knowledge?
seriously i like to share ur knowledge about spirituality...
Victory, that's generalizing, and not always true.
where the 'Bindu' (the Point) lost ;D
The major difference between the genders are their priorities, which changes with time and situations. Males are highly focussed on external material world, future planning, etc while female checks more on current practical issues and quickly get emotionally disturbed.
I agree with you Supeesh on utilisation of human organs and its optimisation.
supeesh, you are talking about meditation, I know how to meditate. Btw....have you progressed from that what you told me to practice?
If not, let me know, I can give you some pointers, if you wish.
supeesh thats all for males isnt it?
supeesh, all you stated in your last post is true. That is indeed what can be achieved through yoga. Additionally I would say, one achieves peace of mind, awareness of spirit, one is able to hear the "inner voice", is aware of the moment.
And the theory about humans not using all of their brain had been refuted, and as some claim, proved as false.
I do believe humans do use all their brain, but the trick is to have the 2 parts work together in harmony. and that is something Yoga certainly helps to achieve.
If practised earnestly.
All in all, yoga is a holistic exercise and a philosophy, IMHO.
By the way, I am not a yogi, but I study spirituality in all its forms. And how it can be achieved, developed.
listen no mercy.....
just do this daily....
spend 10 min daily.
sit in a relaxed position.
try to concentrate on a point.
dont move ur eyes...
just concentrate at that point.
make ur mind blank.
no thought no worries nothing.
make it 100% blank.
this will increase ur concentration.
if u do this daily, u will also experience some kind of powers. dont ask me what kind of powers. (let it b a surprise.)
please dont misunderstand that this is spiritual powers.
its just bcoz of ur concentration power. thats all..
in that case...
i would like to know what kind of spiritual growth those women have?
if u do yoga, u actually start utilizing all the potential of a human body and human brain.
and its true that they will possess some supernatural things. dont misunderstand that is spiritual powers or spiritual growth.
i can see the aura around a person.
it deosnt mean that i have supernatural power.
it only means that i am utilizing my eye more than others.
its just like... a person who go for gym will have more strength. he is using his muscle more than other. so it becomes stronger.
as u know, 99% of human use less than 1% of their brain.
not only brain, our human body have lots of capabilities which we dont know, or never used.
when v start using those, u will experience more abilities. its not spiritual powers...
please dont misunderstand that...
ok, look, it is not that I know more than you, or you know more than me. I think we just look at things differently.
I know of a lot of women who practice Yoga and have had tremendous spiritual development.
Maybe for you this kind of development is meaningless, or not what you think it should be, I do not know.
But to simply state that women do not develop spiritually through Yoga is,according to my experience, not true.
no mercy....
if there is a disagreement exist. it only means that either i dont know as much as u know. or u dont know as much as i do...
if you think that i am wrong. then i agree that u know more than what i know...
now its your turn to teach me.
i want to learn more. i agree that i dont know everything about yoga.
please tell me what u think and lets learn each other...
if u r really interested.
please correct me.
please correct my mistake..
no idea about what?
Supeesh, spiritual growth is only for men?
You saying that shows clearly that you have no idea .
the only difference is...
spiritual growth is only for men...
thats the only difference.
all the benefits except this will b there for a girl..
I never indicated that all Yoga is the same.
So then tell me, what is the difference in benefits from Yoga for men and for women?
this is the reason y i put this form topic.
the yoga u know, u heard about is not the one i am talking about.
now a days u can find lots of people teaching yoga. lots of kinds of yoga.
as far as i know. the inventor of yoga is pathamjali.
no one has ever invented anything more that. and also that remain same till now...
this is the point i want to make clear for the people who is interested to learn yoga.
they will search and try to get information. they will call me. thinking when ever some one say YOGA its all the same...
its not..
women do yoga.
yoga helps both men and women....
for the better health.
its true...
i will never say that a women should not do yoga.
but u must accept the truth that men and women are not the same. and bcoz of that the benefits that a men gets by doing yoga is different from the benefits that a women gets by doing the same....
thats my point.....
no mercy...
what makes u think women are success in yoga?
in what point of view?
what the ultimate goal of yoga? u dont know that. thats the reason said like that...
both men and women can perform yoga pose.
both gets its benefits.
but yoga is not performing pose or asanas...
"i prefer to die single, than to have a wrong girl with me"....100 likes for the comment...:)
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Priya, maybe that is so for you, but certainly not for most other women.
And supeesh, women are exceptionally successful with Yoga...maybe not where you come from, I do not know, but in the rest of the world they are doing very well.
If you want to teach Yoga, maybe YOU need to seek balance and knowledge before you do that.
ummmm is that Budha in the pic ?
[[wysiwyg_imageupload:6800:]] ok peace....
Probably cause you look G@y ?
my parents always ask me to make boyfriends....
and try to avoid girlfriends.......
i still wounder y?
Dear Supeesh im pretty sure now that you need to reach salvation not aura within 3 weeks
its sad u 4gets me.......
when u dont have a proper answer then its a common thing to put blame...
i prefer to die single, than to have a wrong girl with me..
well.. priya...
u have a point..
the truth is....
no men can b complete with a girl..
i am not aware about it....but i think women are emotionally bond....they will lose their concentration very fast compared to men...majority of them are not interested to find out more which requiers sacrifice and deep thought.....their views always roaming around family and relations...
TB: I think supeesh ghad his "Inner Eye Opening" Ceremony administered up the wrong fly!
It would be funny for a person to praise/worship a female as divine. They belong to the kitchen Temple.
i think i am wasting my time......
any one tell me y females dont get same benefits compaired to males?
any one tell me y the spiritual growth is not there for females and its only for males?
when we look at past, every secrets related to unknown things are open to us by a male... not a female...
knowledge is not for 1 person alone. the secrets must b pass on to next generation.
It's called the "opening of Inner Eye"
thanks for your kindness....actually this is the first time i came to know something about this....during my childhood i read some articles related to ancient indian times......there i saw an article says that ....to get a proper answer to any of our question , we have to look into ourself.....
I made my ex feel the presence of aura within 1 night :)
It offers more benefits than problems.
General attitude, whats available free is been taken for granted. Charge a nominal fee and guide those interested on QL.
Yoga provides Peace of mind, body and soul. knows few people who benefits physically, was suffering from Arthiritis.
And all this time I was going ooommmmmm 'n sittin upright on my bum thinkin I was doing Yoga!
i like that movie....
the word YOGA comes from the root "YUJ" which mean to join.
in simple words we can say its to unite ur body and mind...
i dont want to explain more on this.
the reason is, u not really interested. u r just making fun of yoga cryptic. if u r really interested, then u will google it and will find the proper answer...
the importance of guru dhakshina is.
if u learn something from a teacher, that will remain in us, what we learned will help us only if u give guru dhakshina.
yoga is not only breath control.
it actually control all the 5 elements which a human is made of.
by performing different poses, we control and activate all 5 elements there by balancing everything on a human body.
well, all these seems to be supernatural or religious to some people... and i dont want to discus such things here. if any one is interested then send a personal message.
if u talk abt anything which was invented 1000 of years b4. then all those things will b based on things which they believe. just like indian astrology. its based on 9 planets. they predicted the future of a new born baby based on the position of 9 planets at the time of a child birth.
i still dont know how those people knew that there are 9 planets around the sun.
we are still discovering that what they wrote is true..
Milla jovovich ... Hubba Hubba ;0)
5 elements aint that a movie for Bruce willis?
as far as i know, yoga do not have a defenition.......i dont know more about it ...but i think in this breath control is more important and it help to control our emotions and thus we can understand ourselves better....in ancient India all the sages are used to do this......and according to them human body is made of 5 elements....in that air holds one position.....
What is the definition of YOGA ??
when babies start talking they say things like GAGA GOUGO !!!is it the same ?
from my childhood onwards i heard that if someone teaches you anything consider him/her as you teacher......at the same time you have to give "dakshina" to your teacher for sharing valuable knowledge to you.....if you are not giving "gurudakshina" , then the positive effetcs will reduce.......
lol britexpat,good one :)
I used to love wearing a Toga. Gave me an insight into how the Romans lived..
thats another thing about yoga.
please dont watch yoga cd or dont watch yoga pose and do it urself....
you can learn driving by urself....
it takes long time and more risk..
if u have a teacher, u will learn faster and less risk. thats it...
supeesh, start your daily lesson and tips with pictures here on the forum...we'll follow it ISA!
i am ready to teach to any one who is interested..
and if you do everything daily..
then i can make u feel the presence of aura within 3 weeks...
Very interesting, thanks. I might give it a go.
my guru strictly told me not to take free or fixed charge from any one...
knowledge is the only thing which increase on giving it to others...
when i say free. it means i dont expect any kinds of payment.
as per indian custom, b4 v start learning anything, we give guru dhakshina to our teacher.
thats all...
Couple of years back, now i like to start it again, i have my transport do you have a place to teach, i can mobilize few friends also to join.
But you must take some reasonable as fee, definitely not as Free, any thing we get free will not have value and people dont take it serious.
as i told u...
there are many people who doesnt know anything about yoga.
just like cryptic....
dont worry my friend... everything will b fine.....
Oh I thought YOGA is to sleep with your EYES wide open :P
there is no specific age for yoga. anyone at any age can do yoga. only his physical status matters.
i dont have any specific place. u can arrange a place and transportation and i will come and teach u. thats it..
thank u for ur information. i have never done yoga in my life as my frnds said it is very dangerous to do yoga without a teacher. though i am watching yoga classes online or in tv, i am not dare enough to start. i am 39 years old. is this possible to start yoga in this age? where and when will be ur classes start? thank u for ur reply in advance