Qatari behavior when in their car
I was on my road to the Office this morning and a qatari horned me and shouted at me because i stopped in a red light... In fact it's not the first time... I was wondering how should i deal with these situations. Because of course my first reaction would be to shout back (I'm a kind of hot blood...). For now i just take a deep breath, do some yoga, and let it go. So how do you people deal with such situations??
I m always trying to be respectfull with everyone and really do not care about origins and nationalities...
Qataris are less than 1/3 of the population.
Looks could be deceiving and you can spot many non-qataris wearing thobes and driving LCs.
Why only Qatari.. expat are rude sometimes.
Why only Qatari.. expat are rude sometimes.
I think I have commented on this before. Whether it is a Qatari or non-Qatari, it is always a good idea to display maturity while behind the steering.
Life Rockz yellow at roundabouts means go fast and cut everybody off
When the honk at red lights when it turns yellow or green I don't go right away.
What I have started doing when they roll down their window to yell, is either scream gibberish or sing a nice song really loudly. It really seems to throw them off and is fun, plus you won't make the mistake of calling them a $%$#$#$ stupid $%@#%#%@$ #$%#%@%^ and risk getting deported.
something bigger than an Land Cruiser? 10-wheeler trailer truck maybe? XD
even if you say that rules are meant for all, it doesn't apply to most people here... incidents where a woman driver is at fault, the other party (mostly male drivers) would get the blame...
Regardless of nationality driving it, LC are the worst vehicles on the road when it comes to aggressive driving. Best response is to get something bigger, have tented rear windows so you don't have to see them shaking their fists, and get a good stereo so that you can't hear them honking. And for tailgaters: get a bumper sticker that says "if you are close enough to my ass to read this you are gay".
there is no orange signal.....
Many of you do not know that Yellow (for some it is orange) signal is to either stop or be ready to stop.
You find many accidents happening in intersections and wonder y did the camera not blink on either of the cars..... This is because, when a car passes at the fraction of a sec of the final yellow signal, and on the other side - as soon as the green signal is turned, the car passes in full speed...... there s a high chances on colliding each other right in the middle of the road...... and u wonder, who jumped the signal..... Legally, in this case, the car who crossed during the yellow blinking is at fault...... Unfortunately, there are no rulz for the Landcruzers......
there is no orange signal.....
Many of you do not know that Yellow (for some it is orange) signal is to either stop or be ready to stop.
You find many accidents happening in intersections and wonder y did the camera blink on either of the cars..... This is because, when a car passes at the fraction of a sec of the final yellow signal, and on the other side - as soon as the green signal is turned, the car passes in full speed...... there s a high chances on colliding each other right in the middle of the road...... and u wonder, who jumped the signal..... Legally, in this case, the car who crossed during the yellow blinking is at fault...... Unfortunately, there are no rulz for the Landcruzers......
when some one keeps honking or flashing light and if we dont have space to change the lane, then Showing middle Finger is an offense??
If yes then i should stop it :P :D
give him a talk lol
You are right it is a shortcut, and i am sure that like in any country, some people have bad behavior but it does not mean every one is like that.. I had some really nice times also with qataris even when driving my car
If you feel threatened, note down the license plate and write down the facts. Report the criminal to the nearest police station.
If they yell at you, yell back. Do not be afraid of them.
Remember most of these young male frustrated drivers, barely educated and achieved their main goal in life : a landcruiser or a patrol
"horny on your back"....?
Oh dear me...
I was in small r/a in mansoura and was about to exit the r/a. Normally in slow r/a we are at speed of approx 30 and i think i was at 30. From right road the old patrol safari (dark green) approached the round about (where it needs to stop as i am in the r/a). This care with out stopping entered the r/a in the same speed it was on the road. Missed tail of my car by the margin. My kids and family were inside the car, i honked very badly at him, to my surprize he honked me too. If i would hv touched my cars back, my car would hv taken 2 or 1.5 curcular round and bang on something. I really hope to meet this person what ever nationality he/she is from.
some of driver are stopping on orange signal , where they can pass and let behind them pass ..if i am behind you and you made that with me i will hornyyy on your back ..
All Qataris are not involved in such humiliating acts but there are. Many expats either disguised or not are also showing such rude attitude while driving.
Most(wise) people deal with it in the same way you did. Let em shout as much as they want. Sticks and stones may break my bones...
Kudos for keeping cool and doing what's right. But your post heading ain't right. It's assuming and generalizing as
a)You are not sure the abusive driver in question was Qatari
b)even if he was, not all Qataris behave in this manner.
But when ever i am in such kind of a situation i am not afraid to make the right judgement. Even though it may piss the Land Cruzer guy off. Think of it what's the worst he could do??
Ignore the shouting...just look at them and smile next time.
All I can say, those guys feel like they own the road whenever they get behind the wheel. Kinda makes you feel customizing your car with ballistic missiles and such just to blow them off the face of the dessert.
Had an incident at Toyota Signal. It was around midnight and we were gonna enter Airport road coming out from C-Ring (Arrival Terminal side since I went to pick up may parents and sister). So we were on the right-most side of the "left-turn" lanes. As we were turning (taking the outermost lane to enter Airport road), this Qatari guy (I knew since we both stopped in front of the Chrysler showroom) driving a Land Cruiser (coming from the middle lane of the left-turn lanes) went straight and hit our car (left-rear wheel side) and he goes saying it was our fault and that he was going "straight". Funny, how can you go straight on a left-turn only lane? I saw him closing in from the left side mirror, but there wasn't anything I can do since I was sandwiched in between two cars. If I sped up, I'd hit the one in front of me. If I slowed down, I'd hit him or the car behind me.
I wonder what could have happened if I had a baseball bat with me that time, or a tazer...
And another funny thing, I wonder if the police were ever trained on analysis. I even drew a sketch as to how it happened and this police said it was our fault.
There are.
There Should be Laws to Protect everuone's intrest
To OP--another racist thread. How do you know this was a Qatari? Did he show you his ID? Plenty of expats are bad drivers in Doha.
Having said that. In face of bad driving you did the right thing. Ignore it or next time better to pull aside and let him pass.
whether you show one or three fingers, it can land you in trouble.
And mike is right, there are many expats who dress up like qataris and try to behave like them on the road.
To the op, just ignore these temper outbursts. It's good for your health.
Yanni What to do? Life on the road is full of garbage either you chose to divert or be the trash can.
So this was some tread here...
@Hu Zan, I had an accident also in Islamic Museum the day before yesterday... A qatari young girl hit the back of the car and the police said of course it was my fault... meaning also that i should have known it was...
In my home city, driving is much more crazy but i can shout at anyone and i wont be jailed for that...
Fubar you bet right it zas in a R/A.
Estekwelek is the most right because this stress affects our health... we should stay wise but sometimes, well you know, you just want to &é""''!è§èµù^µ$
Qatarisun we have to be more careful of the police driving, i really dont know if they are given any sort of training or they all just drive where ever they like.
UKeng i wish i did drive that car, i'd press all the buttons and stick my tongue outside the window making fake police noises and when i see you driving like a sissy in front of me, I will be launching missiles up your silencer! :P
QS.. I give you a clue.. Policeman is still a Qatari right? :)
@ Kakaw
I agree if it was in our own country we would be swearing and shouting..But we are not in our own country,thing's work differently so best to just give a look and let it go!..What else can you do??
If you're a professional you'll respond the way a professional should be regardless of race & place. Avoiding to stoop down their level is the best option as long as theirs no physical confrontation involve, they'll just look stupid acting like a low class citizen.
So I read all the comment and I just want to get this straight…..If this happen in your own country will you ignore it or smile just like some of the comment or you will fight back!!!!! People like youz make them so confident and they will do again and again because you will keep smiling.
I have seen many chickens in my life but the one here are so special
smoke, speaking about the police.. one police car made quite bad accident just beside my tower by running into another car... there was no heavy traffic, actually only these two cars were on the road.. how the policmen managed to hit this car, have no clue..
This is affecting our health, driving and all tension and traffic ... Don't allow it to take over
just letting off steam...By the way, bad driving habit is not exclusive with the Q's. Not only do I experience shouting, but also, honking (freakingly irritating), light flashing, and all kinds of rude driving behaviour. Had an incident yesterday at the Museum of Islamic Art R/A, when I entered the R/A this guy in a pickup who couldn't give me a sec blew his horn non-stop. Instinctively wanted to flash him the finger which would have given him a reason to report me to the cops, but instead I waved at him. Well, bad driving are an everyday fare here, and it's up to you how you respond. :)
Traffic Lights on R/A WITHOUT camera coverage are a free for all - beware!!
smokey make sure u check the MOI site and ur mobile time 2 time, cant say when u get a SMS from METRASH for any fine as tat guy was a cop....:)
Qatari people soooooo kind just look to him and smile as you say sorry he also will tell you sorry .
Smoke I thought your car could fly.. If I am not mistaken you drive this car right? a duplicate of Kit [[wysiwyg_imageupload:6602:height=306,width=379]]
I bet this happened at a roundabout.
There is a general perception among some people that the red lights at roundabouts are optional.
Where I'm from, a red light means stop.
I'm tempted to start filming land cruisers and camrys shooting through the red lights and uploading them to facebook. But I don't really have the time to be uploading 10 videos a day!
Most of the times this locals feel that you came here to serve them thats why they feel superior over others. Better to ignore them and pretend nothing happen. my two cents :)
idhem, you should be ready for a fight to do that. Be careful.
Nice one chairboy... but not really sure i will give it a try
Ha! funny incident yesterday at the round about, early in the morning, i was stuck behind this slow moving bus inside the round about and this guy in a toyota was in the fast lane, while me in the middle lane. Now after you take this round about the road actually turns to a two lane road, still he's in the fast lane has to keep in the fast lane and me in my middle lane stuck behind the bus.
Suddenly the toyota guy honks and flashes me to "hurry up" and i'm like WTF? YOU WANT ME TO FLY OVER THE EFFING BUS? So i honked back at him and made the hand gesture of "fly over my car and go if you are in a hurry" lol as he came to the side of my car i saw he was a cop hahahaha like i care we both gave each other the look and he drove away.
Next time use your phone camera and tell him you will be uploading this on youtube.
BTW, always try to avoid tagging people by their looks. Qataris are only a few compared to expats and I keep noticing many wearing thobes in their fancy cars just to scare people off and do whatever the hell they want, this is becoming like some sort of national hobby.
Try it!
Thank you for the advice Cherukkan i should also try french in the same way.
By the way this baby is relly funny with this face :)
Show him 3 fingers and tell him to read between the lines ...........
That is what i am trying to do... but there is a lot of human disrespect in this behavior...
Most of them are not fluent in English and they will be shouting at you in Arabic. Either keep quite or do not respond any word other than English (even shouting back) and if they find you are speaking only English they will keep quite. It is my personal experience.
Just ignore and smile..:)