Does Facebook Promote Narcissism In Users?

Narcissism is defined as “a pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration and an exaggerated sense of self-importance.”
If you log into facebook, you would be able to find some people who are excessively self promotional. They had "About Me" sections adorned with reference to their intelligence and photos that were more into revealing their physical attractiveness rather than photos that are memory captures.
According to a study, there is a "significant positive correlations between narcissism and self-promotional content in the following areas: Main Photo, View Photos , Status Updates and Notes."
Do you think that Facebook is overused by the more self-promotional of your friends?
calm donw guys give up no more bashing let us estabilish harmony.......
go furhter in Acquiring wisdom.......
NO NAME------NO BLAME............
Princess, what kind of religion or culture do you practice, the one that promotes tolerance and respect or the culture of disrespect and racism?
Look at yourself in the mirror before you answer to this question.
as the fairy tale story...
It shows how "uncivilized" and ill-mannered a person/poster can be in the virtual world and BUT DOESN'T NECESSARILY MEANS it reflects what that person in the REAL WORLD...and the readers aren't THAT STUPID not to know the difference...thus comments on a topic.
Venting/ranting is "normal" on a website public forum bcoz one posts under a pseudonym...
Well, TO BE HONEST...I like the topic...but I would rather comment on the original ARTICLE by the original poster...which I do. :)
Too bad the princes could only edit her post/comments but couldn't edit the main topic and provide the link...AND she didn't admit she copied it (see comment ABOVE)...maybe the MODS could...since the link has been provided....just to help the poor girl out....
If this how one defines "babbling"...that one should go consult WEBSTER or go back to school...
I rest my case :)
read between the lines, should know better than that... as a QLer for quite some time now...
Besides, why a person get agitated if he/she is right? Don't you agree?
Not perfect and being on QL for almost 5 know how its been. :)
Haha!! Nice one flor..
CAlm down beautiful. Don't waste your time on a "princess". You're the queen! Lol!
reading this is hilarious!!! roflmao
Should I start counting down before a certain "princess" gets banned from QL?
NEWSFLASH!!! Keep digging girl...yalla! :D
defense mechanism is not working for you. If you did the admission on the first call, it could have not come to this.
Better rest for a while, so you'll regain your composure. But if I may, please edit your "civilized" comments! Thank you and again IT"S FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES!
Princess the most civilize way when most people don't agree with you would be convincing them with good argument & not by personal attacks, regardless of how they respond. I didn't notice that most people who criticized you were Filipinos because I'm not too concern about race profile. By the way people criticized you because they don't agree with you, race has nothing to do with it though some were just rough just like what I said about your post. People's account might it be on QL or on FB, if you're narcissistic in nature it reflect on your account & if you're straight forward it will too just like some who reacted on your post...
'in my view point filipinos are considered as an 'uncivilized' race. So there is no point in arguing with such kind of people. They will never understand'
I dont understand why they would bash you either??
Did I say that it WASN'T copy pasted? no.
Lol... imagine the situation where I have to agree so as to please a bunch of idiots! some people will take advantage of the situation by insulting me... and please, let us all stop here. I'm not interested in posting further threads on QL since I'm getting too many rude comments. Its really irritating when people start bashing even though you have not done anything against them.
to admit that it was just copy/pasted? You are out of line PA, I am a Filipino and IT'S FUN IN THE PHILIPPINES! LOL!
let us not devitate from the thread..
moto of any thread is to share and enhance your knowledge..
infact PA was agitated by several stupids.. which led her to blow...
do not land in trouble coz of some stupids..
i appreciate your threads...
racism in its users? in this thread it certainly does!
Cupid s_Victim: Certainly, there is a limit in which a person can tolerate. If you notice, majority of people who criticize me (for no apparent reason) are filipinos.
azilana7037: keep babbling... its good for you!
seasons: You should read this article-
17 Bad Habits & Attitudes of Filipinos That Need to Change
1. Thoughtless
When someone celebrates birthday, graduation or winning the lotto in the neighborhood, the party lasts through deep in the night, keeping neighbors awake by the noise of an out-of-tune videoke singer.
2. Inconsiderate
Even after agreeing to meet at a certain time, many Filipinos fail to fulfill it, using alibis as traffic, got caught up with something or lost in the way, disregarding the feeling of someone who just complied with agreed time. If these folks can’t fulfill simple tasks, can we trust them when it comes to, say lending them our prized books or CDs, loaning them money or anything they promise to return?
3. Racist
Many Filipinos complain of being racially profiled (some Filipinas in the Middle East are easy to get or gullible) but some of us look down on other people such as Indians as fellows with stinky body odor who live off through ’5-6′ usury business. Or on Chinese neighbors who own bigger stores in the market as penny-pinchers. But we can’t look at ourselves and fix our flaws. Worse, see #6.
4. Too self-conscious
Wants to know who are his or her stalkers at social media. Installs ‘who are my top viewers’ application which turns out as a link to a malicious website. Wants to get everybody’s attention to the point that they post clinging to a celebrity, semi-naked or suggestive self-portrait profile photos. They buy items that are sometimes beyond what they can afford — cellphones, fashion accessories — thereby earning the moniker as social climbers.
5. Religious fanaticism
While admittedly deeply religious people, many of us Filipinos are also living a life of hypocricy/inconsistency. Outside of the Quiapo church are shops that sell abortion formula and the island of Siquijor becomes a haven of faith healers who practice black magic.
6. Onion skinned
We easily go ballistic whenever the word Filipino is used as dark humor in a script of an American sitcom or a celebrity mocking our “presumed” perfect accent. We are quick to call for apology even if they’re all meant as a joke. We choose to fight back instead of changing our bad habits. That may be a reason we become a common topic of humor.
7. Short-sighted
Some Filipinos prefer to receive a few hundred pesos, two kilos of rice or a shirt printed with mug shot of an aspiring politician in exchange of votes running for office rather than resist temptation and bond together for a better society and governance. Yet they are the first to complain of poor governance, regardless of who is the President. Poor tricycle drivers are allowed to ply on dangerous streets — risking the lives and limbs of passengers — just to earn a living.
8. Laziness
When going to the market, some Filipinos prefer to take the motorized bike and pay a premium instead of a 20-minute walk — to ensure he or she will not miss a favorite TV show. At the end of the day they lament how a hundred peso bill could no longer be stretched. Or they spend the whole day staring at the television, sending SMS on shows that offer prizes to ‘home text partners’.
9. Gossipmonger
Many Filipinos live off talking about affairs of other people. Maybe that’s because it’s a major function of the Filipino culture. Who impregnated a neighbor’s teenage daughter? A barrio councilor has bad breathe. The baby of a close friend has a striking resemblance of the family driver. No wonder many families are broken, trust lost and friendships gone awry because of people trying to get in the way. Proof: tabloids are selling like hotcakes.
10. Undisciplined
Pass laws that are easily broken: no smoking on jeepneys, no jaywalking on streets, picking flowers in the park or peeing on fences, trees or truck tires. Even wearing prescribed attire (‘please wear semi-formal wear’) when attending wedding ceremonies becomes a task difficult to follow. When we’re overseas we find it necessary to follow rules, but we seem to take our country and its simple laws for granted.
11. Crab Mentality
Once a fledgling banana cue business becomes the talk of the barrio, everyone is riding the bandwagon and put up the same business. Eventually, every single banana cue business in the neighborhood fails and shuts down operation. If someone gets promoted at work, some Filipinos are good at making up stories; did he date the supervisor? Did she sleep with the manager? It also exists in the form of protectionism. Insecurity or lack of creativity drives this attitude.
12. Nepotism
A bright yet not well-connected job applicant never gets the job vacancy because it was reserved for a family member of an incumbent official or a reward for supporters of a candidate who just won in the elections. Eventually, he lands a job abroad and a foreign firm gets to benefit of his skills. A well-connected passenger gets the airport’s special lane while hard-working OFWs sweat it out on a long line. The political supporter who lands the job is often topic of conversation because of his/her skills, or lack thereof.
13. Freebie hunters
Some Filipinos have the nerve to crash into wedding parties uninvited or show up at a birthday party because they were brought along by a friend of an invited friend. They enjoy free electricity supply through illegal connections or enjoying a bonanza of free water from busted pipes instead of reporting the apparent waste or scarce resources. Often visits the house of a balikbayan/OFW who just arrived and ask — they don’t wait — for presents.
14. Allegiance by convenience
Filipino politicians often change parties not because they found a better principled group, but to gain something — power, money or fame. When momentum shifts, be prepared to jump ship and switch loyalty. Read their biographies and be not surprised they’ve been into various alliances with no real accomplishments to show.
15. Rarely punctual
Appointments are never meant to be on time as many Filipinos make it a habit of not making it on time. Meetings, parties, and so on. Teachers didn’t lack the motivation to make us punctual as tardy ones were meted with appropriate punishment. Shall we blame others for this? Traffic congestion, slow jeepney driver, hard to find location, ‘I was robbed’, and others in an endless list of alibis and excuses.
16. Propensity for ‘good time’
Gathering of friends isn’t bad. But if it always meant 20 bottles of hard liquor meant to be consumed overnight, that’s something. Just got the job? Let’s celebrate and have a drink. Just got the paycheck, let’s have a drink. When someone starts reminding them to be frugal and slow down on alcohol spending, they reason out, “it’s my money, you have no business interfering”, “this is just once in a while” or “I need to drink to forget my problems”. Yeah, right.
17. Treat OFWs as ATMs
Some Filipinos are overly dependent on relatives working overseas that they don’t look for jobs or don’t attend classes because they are in “abundant supply of financial aid”. Worse, money remittance from OFWs are often spent on luxuries and expenses like mobile phones, cars and jewelry they can brag to friends instead of investment like farm lots or small business. In many cases, nothing was allocated for savings or investment. When OFWs come home, families find it hard to explain where money was spent.
After reading this article, you must have realized how "civilized"these people are, isn't it?
loud and clear!
racism or racialism (ˈreɪsɪzəm, ˈreɪʃəˌlɪzəm) — n1.the belief that races have distinctive cultural characteristicsdetermined by hereditary factors and that this endows someraces with an intrinsic superiority over others2.abusive or aggressive behaviour towards members of another race on the basis of such a belief
Princess the way you respond about the argument made you uncivilized & a bit of a racist. Wow, talk about irony...
Princess, you are funny!
Would you please stop snarling and name calling...GROW UP and FACE UP immature and utterly pathetic.
YOU'RE A PLAGIRIST...and you can't admit it.
And now you resort to racial bashing coz you got caught??? I never said anything about your being an INDIAN?
and lambasting the filipinos (in general)!!! ;P
Girl, you're digging yourself deeper in the shyet you're in... And you said you wont stoop down?
NEWSFLASH!!!: I'm so up here girl...and you're sooooo down there deep...ROFLMAO :D
Told you, girl...go dig yourself some COMMON SENSE...whehehehehe
Princess Arora i'm not Filipino, just wondering from where you get that Filipino's are considered as an 'uncivilized' race?? Just because you have a difference with one person please don't generalize the whole nation..
Definition of RACISM
: a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority(or inferiority) of a particular race
razz77: I never get punched down by idiots unless I allow them to do so... and I think azilana7037 is a filipino which explains her snorty attitude. It has nothing to do with her as a person. But there is something to blame about her race, the way she was brought up and her attitude towards others. Infact, in my view point filipinos are considered as an 'uncivilized' race. So there is no point in arguing with such kind of people. They will never understand.
Nothing wrong reviving an old article...whatever makes one's boat float.
Just don't claim something that ain't a manner of speaking.
come on guys.. to dont punch her.....
whats wrong even if revive old items with sence.... cool....down....
an article, posted it on QL as if its your own.
chillax, you're not the first one who made this "boo-hu-hu" misdeameanor on QL...which "IS" idiotic...coz you got caught...hmmm?
AND PHUUULEEEZ...the "I won't stoop down to your level" bravado is soooo way OUT of last year's PRADA's summer season collection.
Of course you can't argue about my comment...coz IT'S don't go snooty with me 'princess' one's gonna buy
do yourself a favor and so go dig up a "common sense"... HEHEHEHE :)
Princess, speaking about pointless: What drives you to copy/paste old articles and posting them as yours?
nomerci: My name has nothing to do with narcissism. I chose this name for my personal reason, not because I'm narcissistic.
azilana7037: You talk like an idiot! First of all, let me clear this up- razia1011 is NOT my fake ID. I'm not unique in this world and there are many people with my same view point. Anyway, I don't find any sense in proving it to a person like you. Else I will find myself degraded to your level.
Like I have mentioned in my another post, I'm tired of dealing with sh!tty people like you. Continue with your pointless argument.
You're babbling nonsense now...
Please read what you wrote before you post...
hmmm.....somebody who calls herself PRINCESS talking about narcissism...;)
Lol azilana7037 narcissist never believe they are wrong,however, everyone around them always is. Strange that Princess Arora mentions you disagreeing with yourself...Makes me think????
LoL someone got pwned!!!!
it would be demential to disagree with
My post was meant for Princess Arora...not you
The mmaner if writing, grammar is quite similar.
This is getting to be funnier by the minute.
if you have a facebook account just 'friend'
non-narcissists and you wont have to be riled by their photos, status updates etc.
or.........wait for it.......I've always wanted to say this.........
"If you don't like it, you can leave"
azilana7037: I can't agree more with razia1011.
Wow, I never ever thought that my intelligence and my love for reading all sorts of articles would ever be construed by others when mentioned in a chat as plagiarism. I am sorry you feel that way but people adopt philosophies in life and make them a part of their values and moral.That by the way is what I did---- I read many articles on this topic and internalised the essence of the of them all to draw my own conclusion---That is after all what an intelligent person does, Don't you agree?
Punishable by law...and its utterly embarrasing if get caught?
Ccheck this link:
You just reconstructed and changed a few phrases in the article and posted here on QL...and claiming it as your own.
No wonder you just cant defend your post and bounce the questions back to the people who comments it. or you post link to defend your post.
I have nothing against your post or whatever you want to do...but its still PLAGIRISM one way or the other.
I dont think any website promotes narcissism. It is something that is inherent in an individual. These websites are so that people can connect however you those who use it to flirt and meet the opposite sexes online lying about their statuses. We live in a promiscuous world where truth and honesty are shaded by untruths just so that egos can be boosted and because it creates a thrill. I agree with Princess Arora, I too am not perfect but it depends on our initial intention with which we visit these sites.
Mike Shamrock:
Okay, my culture is different from yours. That doesn't mean that I should always think in a conservative way.
And... I don't need to see things always from a 'purity' angle. I am a 'imperfect' human being with flaws.
Alright, since there are stalkers on Facebook then this was designed for stalkers.
If someone runs over a person with a land cruiser, would that mean that this vehicle was designed for killing?
Princess, whatever your culture says is one thing, whatever is in your mind shows something different. Reviewing your comments I can notice you are very focused in seeing all the funky stuff, all from your 'purity' angle.
Facebook was designed by narcissists for narcissists and stalkers.
ismailerum: Agreed, Cent percent!
Mike, my culture does not promote dating and related activities.
Princess, tell us the truth. Did you get scammed by someone on a blind date?
Facebook doesn't promote it ... there is just a disturbing amount of narcissists in the world.
I agree. I also think Facebook allows the profile owner to present himself like he/she wishes to be, rather than what he/she really is in reality. This is understandable cuz we are humans at the end of the day...
But excessive status updates and certain behaviors says a lot about people's personalities. I wonder if they know that others know or if they are that naive...
LincolnPirate: its a lot better than putting up a fake pic as your avatar! :P
I don't use Facebook and I put the ugliest picture I could find as my avatar!
Narcissism is when you truly believe your own BS. Many on FB would put highlight pictures showing their dos but hiding their donts!
It's a "chicken or the egg" scenario. Does facebook make people narcissistic or were they narcissistic before they went on facebook and facebook just gives them an outlet.
I believe they were probably narcissistic to start with.
Princess, the other day you came with some fantasy story about Facebook selling sex just to become popular. Now the issue is "narcissism".
Facebook: helping ugly people get laid, just like beer.
Girl... you are something else!
flor1212: I don't mind. If they get irritated because of me, it means that they are giving me their attention. :D
Princess... Self adoration or self confidence if you may, can't be categorize as narcissistic if it does there's no need for the word "little narcissism" just to define it. Excessive adoration for one's self can't also fall to that "little narcissism", right? Over gratification can easily recognize as narcissism no "little" just plain narcissism...
and starting threads as many as no one could count, be warned Miss student, somebody will get angry with you. Lol!
To some extent i think its true...some people are just so self obsessed..they keep posting there best pix only to get comments and appreciated especially from the opposite gender...And when they receive comments they are just on cloud shows from their comments,their statuses...they always want admiration ...
just a complement.... be positive...
but i'm A+
To the OP: Yes.
razz77: pardon?
what a progression....?
Well, Arora, it's for you to guess and for me to know :P
Cupid s_VictimEveryone has at least a little narcissism. At the relatively healthy end of the continuum are people who believe in themselves and their abilities, but don’t demand special privileges nor consider themselves above the social rules or norms. They can visualize themselves as one of the best or most accomplished in their field or profession, and they may be competitive but they don’t envy or begrudge others of their success. They may occasionally be shrewd in dealing with others but they don’t exploit people or take unfair advantage of others to achieve their own ends. Most importantly, they possess a good awareness of their own thoughts, feelings, and needs, and they also respect others and have a genuine care and concern for them.On the other end of the continuum, pathological narcissism is characterized by at least five of the following characteristics:- A need for constant attention and admiration- A sense of entitlement - Interpersonally exploitative (i.e., takes advantage of others to achieve his or her own ends)- Lack of empathy (is unwilling or unable to recognize or identify with the feelings and needs of others)- Envious of others or believes that others are envious of him or her- An arrogant and haughty behavior or attitude- A preoccupation with fantasies of unlimited success, power, brilliance, beauty, or ideal love- A belief that he or she is “special” and unique and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other special or high-status people
ismailerum: What if my reply was a "yes"?
If your narcissistic by nature of course it will reflect on your fb account, simple as that...
Yes there are few of them Who does Exactly the same as mentioned by the OP.
I have seen friends Deleting People from their Friends list simply because they don't like their Page or not comment very often....
nomerci:I guess you are one among them!
Arora...who's truth?
My truth is that I like fb, my friends on fb, and I am not addicted to anything.
Doha Knight: well, there are many other boring topics posted in QL. I was wondering why you don't find such topics uninteresting.
i think people are reluctant to understand the truth.
PA, Well, it is but the word has been spelt 'Arora'..if it was spelt 'Aurora', it would leave no doubt.
PA, I have read about Princess Aurora, the sleeping beauty. Is your ID related to the character by any chance?
Doha Knight, i think thats a personal question!
anyone in support of my view point?
Arora,I just don't think they are narcissistic.
Narcissism is a word which is used to convey such desires when they are at the extreme and I don't think this word is appropriate to be used for facebook users.
Extroverts love to show off and all of us like to be appreciated. People display themselves if they think they are attractive or blog if they feel they have better writing skills. Some advertise themselves to prospective mates while some just want to be visible amongst their friend circle.
Loll.. I saw tht coming!! U guys so predicitble.. :p
Well i claim I'm 'Hot' coz I live in a hot country..again it has nothing to do with narcissism..:p
that has nothing to do with narcissism... and what about people who claim that they are hot on their display picture... lol :P
What about people who put pink eggs or RED seductive lips on their display picture and ... lol :P
nomerci: And the reason why you don't think so?
No, I do not think so. I have lovely friends on fb, I enjoy their comments and their pictures.