An ad in todays's GT(8/12/2011) Page 10

Having seen a lot of ads for accomodation in QL asking for people of the same nationality and the responses that one sees in the forum, this specific ad from one of the rental agencies was a surprise. The best part is the so called estate agency didnt put its name on the ad but only provided contact numbers..
For rent(Western only)
Abu Hamour Compound etc etc...
Looks like that is the new trend in town where villa compunds are being rented for people from a specific nationality/region....
well if the family doesnt have small kids, there is very less chance of it getting dirty whether eastern or western.
lol! i read the original comment of is good he edited it. you maybe right..
So that's why people and rental agencies want Westerners they keep it tidy. Now that just gave me an idea. I will trash my existing villa so there is no reason differentiate.
..PrincessS I am looking to rent please can you help me?
Well I've been working in a real estate company and we never categorize people as long as they can afford the rent.
I guess its just a strategy to find the high earning ones so as to sell the stuff on a higher price.
I have an "Eastern" fellow who moved out of his accomodation for being uncomfortable with the "Western" style of some of the neighbours.
So what's weird in grouping the for the convenience of all parties?
@S_isale and mariecor , I have lived in dubai for 3 years and from my experience only I have commented . Its not that qatar as a nation is not friendly towards all the nationalities , but the expats here do not have a mixed culture unlike dubai . thats the point .
you are right s_isale....there is just no forum site like Qatar Living that is why you cannot read any such issue as posted.
similar set up is also there in Dubai.....
One time may be you had an eperience , but that does not mea that such type of weird thoughts need to be promoted in a country where people from many countries work to earn for livelyhood.
I think Dubai has a better model in this mixed culture in the whole middle east , after all all nationalities are given the same prefernece there and no one have a problem . We in Qatar have a long to go to acheive such a model ...
Qatar are generalizing... a (dont want to name nationalities) who can afford a villa for 12K plus will definetly know how to keep it clean and tidy.
Its good for others...the fact is...many Asian children get influenced by their culture and start
smoking/drinkig/dating at very early age. We cant really stop our kids from mingling with them in the same compund.
How very accommodating of the Real Estate People , to let the population pursue their own free will and be grouped together and left to their own life , that too in posh surroundings?!They should be giving classes on racial acceptance globally, to Southall, Asia District, China town, North End.....
Yes i have a villa and im renting it to westerners, they keep stuff tidy.
one time i rented to (dont name the nationality) family, and i had to pay a lot to repaint and etc.. so never again.
or i mean...have the same culture & tradition...there is no need for will not worry that when you do "pork barbeque" at your place, for example, there will be nobody to complain.
Don't take it negatively ,... this is the other side of the story,... with the economic downturn in the West being worse than what it looks, there are more Western people here now, ready to put up with any low standards... just to keep the show going!....
It is good to live with people that understand each others' culture & tradition...this is the first & foremost reason why certain accommodation are being rented for certain nationality.
that would, wouldnt it FS. Unless they mention the skin colour along with the colour of the passport
believes "birds of a feather flock together"!
Rest are all uncivilized to cohabit with them in the same compound..:( can a western passport help?
Well its a British managed Real Estate company ;)
and thought the same..