Senior Project Manager - Help?

Hi guys,
I'm hoping that somebody can give me some advice. My husband is in talks with a company about a Senior Project Manager role. The sector is construction. We literally have no idea what we should be asking for regarding salary, housing etc.
Could anybody help us and give us a few ideas?
Many thanks
pls respond, thanks.
XceptionalGreat - many thanks for your ongoing excellent advice.
Sashyls - relax and try not to assume as much as about people you don't know. For example, how do you know I am white? What is says on my passport bears no relation to the colour of my skin. And as for us being 'left behind' because of 'problems in Europe', I hardly think so. A little less television news and a little more reality?
We're not looking to move abroad because we are desperate. We're looking for a different life experience for a few years (and some much needed sunshine!). You only get one life and we want to sample as much of it as we can.
Sashyls .. your profile shows that you are an Indian.. I am from the same planet.
There's a big problem for Indian Visas here in Qatar, unlike any European/Western Nationality. You can't expect everyone migrating to Qatar because of ongoing recession in Europe, etc.
You better contact any HR agents for executive level staff and then you will get to know the real scenario here for Western/European Staff.
Almost all private/govt companies with even a li'l reputation are offering hefty packages to the Western/European Staff as they do not have other better options e.g. Indians, coz of visa problem.
If they start issuing unlimited no. of visas to Indians, the salaries won't escalate this much.
Also, the govt has awarded billion dollars Consultancy Contracts recently, and yet to award a few more such Contracts.
The design/construction of Stadiums, Railways, Roads, hundreds of buildings, Hospitals, Hotels, etc, are going to be commenced within 6 months. The headhunters are roaming around to help the companies "capture" the qualified staff asap. Just do some research in the industry first and then come to a conclusion.
I have advised the OP for a suitable package as per her husband's exp., etc, because I know whats happening in the industry these days.
If you are still not agree with me, wait for a few weeks, keep an eye on the newspapers and jobsites, and you will be in agreement with me.
Xceptional Great....which planet are you from.....look at Europe and the problems there....this market is going to be flooded with people...JUST TO SURVIVE...and here you are giving advice...left,right.and centre....I suggest you do a rethink...people are going to come here whatever the salary .....just cos the OP is white doent mean HE DESERVES BETTER....theres a lot of competition... Remember DARWIN....survival of the fittest...THIS IS THE NEW I suggest that the OP take this position or he will be left behind to try make ends meet back home the coming months
I love how some people are just throwing out numbers because of what they "think" is right, this does way more harm than good. first rule in business class 101, when it comes to the asking price "Never" give a number because you will lose that deal faster than you blink. what I tell most of my business associates is this. the first rule in negation is have the employee determine the price and work from there, this is done by one statement, " what is your budget for this position considering my abilities and experience" do your research and negotiate from there.
Whoever says that the construction market is down in Qatar is absolutely wrong.
Ladyluck.. its a good decision to turn down the offer .. plz have patience and keep on applying ..
visit & search at nice jobsite for experienced professionals !!
That offer is really vey low for his position.
Hi again guys. After going to and fro for a couple of weeks, this company offered my husband a complete package of 30000QR (a sum meant to cover salary, accommodation, schooling, car, mobile telephone!). Needless to say we turned it down.
Back to the drawing board :)
Thank you so much XceptionalGreat for your wonderful advice. We have taken it on board and are ready to negotiate! After doing a bit of research, I think Doha looks lovely, so fingers crossed we get there.
Thanks again
Taking into consideration the info provided, your husband can expect a minimum package of 8000GBP per month, plus housing allowance (could be around 2000GBP per month) (if the company does not provide a Villa), plus family health insurance, plus family air ticket once in a year, plus 1 month paid vacation, plus Car allowance for a decent 4x4 (if the company does not provide a 4x4 Car), plus annual gratuity of not less than 3 weeks of Basic Pay, and possibly Children's Education for upto 2 Children.
In addition to above, the company should also pay one time relocation allowance, annual furniture allowance, etc.
You may consider Utilities & Fuel allowance included in the 8000GBP per month, as it does not cost much in Qatar.
You can start the negotiations with this package and slight addition/deletion should be okay.
Also, try to have as maximum as possible as "Basic Salary" out of 8000GBP per month, as the Basic Salary will be the basis of counting your annual gratuity upon end of services. Sometimes the companies allocate a very little amount as the "Basic Salary" and show the balance salary as different types of confirmed allowances, to save the gratuity.
Please keep in mind that Qatar needs hundreds of thousands of qualified & experienced professionals in the coming months, so if this Contracting Company does not offer you the desired package, you can still expect the same package or even the more from others soon. Keep an eye on the adverts and keep sending your CV to the HR Consultants.
Albeit the quality of life is better in UAE, but there is a job security in Qatar, and you will soon start loving it.
All the best !!
UAE is better...more option for in Qatar...high price...less option...
Thanks guys.
We're from the UK. Husband has over twenty years experience in the fit out/refurbishment field and has worked on projects for very well-known brands for most of his career. He has the usual construction management qualifications as well as having attended nearly all the health and safety/asbestos/first aid etc. courses the UK construction industry has thrown at him (a lot, as you can imagine!).
He's currently negotiating with a contractor who does high-end luxury hotels/retail outlets/offices and who has bases across the GCC. He's also in negotiation with a company in the UAE, which is why we need to know more about Qatari life etc. We have friends in the UAE, but not Qatar sadly.
We're not big spenders but we are big savers, and that's why we're looking to make the move.
Hi there,
Ditto - please either list or send on the items in Xceptional's note above. As a rule, expect to be paid more than you earn at home, and it is tax free once you meet the criteria of the UK tax system for exemption.
See here for some info on general living costs,
although obviously it depends on the level at which you want to set a life for yourselves.
Best of luck with your negotiations..
Send me your husband's nationality, education, specialization (civil, mechanical, electrical, etc), years of experience, age, type of company he's negotiating with (means Contractors, Consultants, Developers, Govt, etc), and I will try to give u a suitable advice.
Please don't be surprised, all these factors do matter a lot while finalizing the salary packages in GCC !!