Which School?

Which school out of the three below are best in regards to Education & Environment
1. Birla Public School
2. Doha Modern Indian School
3. Middle East International School.
I am planning to send my son who is 3+ for the first time to a school, so keeping that scenario in mind as well...what would be the best choice?
Scholar Indian School is a very good and nice school in Qatar. As a guardian I am very much happy. Please help to get approval from Subprime Education Committee grade-1, in year 2018-2019. Is School Committee trying to get approval for grade 1? Or they are happy with only KG-1&2. If they are not trying then grade 1,2,3,4,5 will be close soon in coming years. If grade 1 is active then all grades will be active automatically. Please tote it.
Hi my daughter studying in THE SCHOLARS INTERNATIONAL. Its a very good school. All parents having problem after KG-2. Scholar International didn't get approval from Ministry of Subprime Council for Grade-1. Where I go for Grade 1? Its very difficult to get admission in any indian school now a dayes. Is Scholar will get approval for grade 1 in accedimic year 2017-2018? Why they are not trying to get approval? Anybody have information from heigher management, please reply in Wall.
The Scholars International School is in Muaither - CBSE syllabus and the teacher student ratio is 25:1 and not 15:1 . Yes the infrastructure is very good with all classes equipped with smart boards for audio visual teaching , portal system for daily update on school as well as childs activities and learning etc...
Those staying in and around Rayyan Scholars would be the best option ...
@ viju684u .. where is this school " THE SCHOLARS INTERNATIONAL" i have not heard bout this.. is it good, cbse ..
Always find a school much closer to your location. DMIS, i would not recommend as I have few friends who claim that the children now are just going for time pass due to mismanagement.
Well, BIRLA & IDEAL are good. My kids study in IDEAL.
If you are person staying somewhere in Murra, Madinat Khalifa or Maither, there is new Indian school opening this academic year at Maither. " THE SCHOLARS INTERNATIONAL" where the student: Teacher ratio will be 15:1.
End of the day, which ever schol your child goes, you will need to slog.
freefika, its very relative.its the same with all the schools.every school has the negative and postive, especially the new schools.
there is no indian school here that can be called the best, which has a huge waiting list for admissions.experience wise, and for ranks, MES is the top here.
sadly, education is a business here.
I wouldnt call the education standard as low, yes there is a problem with teachers being retained in the school, but this problem exists in other schools too.
for some parents, they like to see lots of homework and if homework is not given, then they feel the school is not upto the mark. the same applies vice versa.there are many reaons why parents complain about the schools.
if you have any specific query, PM me, i will try my best to answer it for you.
but do not finalise any decisions based on parents reviews alone. Go to the schools meet the principal, coordinators, check the classrooms, the school atmosphere, infrastructure and the future plans of the schools yourself and then make an informed decision.a school that might turn out the best for your child may not be the same for another child.
I am not working and wont be using the creche and lunch arrangement or anything of the sort. I'm hearing mostly negative reviews abt DMIS...is the education standard low? What is the reason?
Freefika, go to the school and ask them to show you the kindergarten and the facilities they provide. Between birla and dims, dims has a better school campus, if you wish to continue education in the same school.
Although kg timing for dmis is 9-1, children can be dropped at 7 and get be picked up by 330, which is the best for working parents. They have a good crèche arrangement, and lunch is provided in the school.
I prefer not to choose MES because for kg1 the student to teacher ration is 1:40, which i believe is tooooo much. I don't know abt DMIS or the rest yet, will find out tommorow. Please keep the feedback coming in!
DMIS, for working parents, they have a crèche and food facility which is not in other indian schools.
By the way teachers keep changing in most of the schools and most of the schools charge heavy fees.
I prefere Santhinikethan School, it's a developing school now a days. MES alco you can choose.
Try The Next Generation School
I don't know about other two schools , but I do agree with KalliValli (what he wrote about DMIS), and most of the school bus drivers and assistants of DMIS are very kind and patient.
Birla public school,Ideal or M.E.S,these are excellent schools.Plz dont ever put ur kid in DMIS its the worst school ever.They take huge fees and the output is zero and the teachers keep changing and its horrible
please go to shantiniketan indian school or mes indian school or bhavans
I prefer DOHA MODERN INDIAN SCHOOL. Because the studying syllabus and environment are good.No heavy homeworks and exams are there for KG 1 AND KG2. More activites,outdoor trips and good curriculam.And for kindergarden the school timing is 9.00-1.00. so the kids doesnt feel tried on the first step of schooling.
Better go there and understand the facilities.And to other schools also.Then decide...
Anybody give me more info on Al Maha Academy for boys .. is it a good school ?? Do hav Indian national there
all are out to make money.
Birla none other than
My son is in Birla Public School.
Excellent school, I would say.
Me too...for my 3+ daughter..
Please somebody let us know ... even i want send my 3+ son in school ..which of these is the best choice .