anybody living in govt accomodation pls help

I am an govt employee and my company is alloting me govt acomodation, when I approached govt housing dept they are showing me very old not in condition apartments. when i enquired they told me if you know any govt accomodation empty and you like it get us electricity number and we will allot you. I checked with my collegues but there are no emply apartments where they live. anybody living in govt accomodation, if you know any good vacant accomodation pls let me know. I am dealing with them from last 1 month and i have to vacate my current accomodation by 15 Dec, so I am in hurry. pls help.
qatar 123 is barwa sadd available for govt employees?
thanks for you comments
Most of the Govt Accomodation are old and not really well maitained by the ur best option would be searching areas on your own.
Ask the local Grocery stores guys, Taxi drivers, Cleaners, house boys sometime they could help you locate a Govt building and there u can ask the care taker of the building ....then try your luck
Check in Barwa Sadd. It's new, so there is chance that you will find accommodation there.
There is an accomodation (FLAT) available in our appartment, but its also 7 yrs old,But you can see and check it .If you are interested you can contact me on 66527083,