See a GP this evening?
Can anyone give me any information of either how I can see a GP this evening or what medication I can buy over the counter at a pharmacy - a slightly delicate issue regarding anxiety, so i won't bore you with too many details. I don't yet have my medical card and as for Hamad hospital I am not sure where to go once there and also not sure I have the emotional strength to sit there for the next 5 hours waiting!
thanks in advance
Would you take someone's advice who is under 18?
Search about linden method.. this is the best solution. Dont go for medicine, u can cure it 100% naturally.
We are open from morning 6am to 10pm in the evening on weekdays. Our Doctors will be available during this time.
is a possible alternative, then go to a pharmacy and asked the pharmacist!
well i would but you only have GP there until 6pm
You can always visit our Polyclinic and enjoy the fast and efficient system we have in place. For details please call 44339000 or visit