He wanted a bride plus a fridge & TV

A Bangladeshi man who held his wedding at the auspicious moment of 11:11 am on November 11 had his hopes of a long and happy life with his wife dashed when she left him minutes after the ceremony.
Shawkat Khan told AFP that he did not know why his new bride walked out, but Farzana Yasmin said she was angered by a demand from his family for dowry gifts including a fridge and a television.
"The wedding took place at a mosque exactly at that time," Khan, a school headteacher, said, adding he had believed 11 to be his lucky number.
Yasmin, 27, has been hailed by many Bangladeshis for taking a stand against dowries, an outlawed and much-criticised custom in which a bride's family must give expensive gifts to her new husband.
"I disowned him because I don't want to end up like thousands of Bangladeshi dowry victims," Yasmin, who has become a media sensation in Bangladesh, told AFP.
uk...............how touchy
Sorry miss Soniya .... I Don't intend to hurt you ... but the word you used ..."JOB"... hurt my feeling ... Yasmin is re-building an attitude which has been demolished and abolished long ago by the ill minded and greedy people and this has been suffixed deep into our south-asian tradition.
The word JOB refers to a Paid Task on a temporary basis.
Please don't mind ... its a serious issue ... hope you can understand.
Wow, that's pretty sad.
And don't these people know that the worst thing you can do to your marriage is to live with your in laws???
I have to say, i am very happy i never had to face anything like that.
I think it is time the girls in those cultures stood up and put an end to this ...if not for themselves, then for their daughters.
There are plenty of fatwas forbidding such shameless acts but no fixed penalty.And just like many things in Islam such sinful acts are still practiced in the name of culture. However a ruler of a Muslim land can and should impose punishment for all these perpetrators!
Its also generally cultural that the bride and groom stay with he's folks for at least awhile hence they get to enjoy the "gifts" and even keep them even if the couple then move out! Another famous dowry demand is that the bride foots the entire wedding expense! hows that then? My friend in SL actually married a guy who's parents got her folks to sponsor the whole wedding at a five star hotel(The Hilton)! The marriage didn't even last(sheesh..no surprise there,huh) and her folks are still in debt due to this!
I know its crazy and disgusting but still happens.
This is a cultural practice and not a religious one. Yes its wrong and should be eliminated.
Send it to the in laws???? I thought it was meant to be used by the bride and groom....what the heck have the in laws to do with it????
This practice is routine in south east asia. I really don't know why don't they issue a Fatwa against these greedy grooms & stone a few to death. I swear I will accept Islam if they did it to at least 10 of them to set an example for rest of them.
Its cultural in SL and practiced by most of the faiths back there. A family that sends their daughter "empty handed" is somehow looked down upon for years to come and even avoided. Like "Don't marry that girl,men...her mother got married and didn't even give a single item of furniture to her in laws" Shameful but sadly very common. At times even the poor groom is unaware that behind his back he's folks are demanding "gifts". Makes me glad I married a convert who's folks had no idea what these practices were all about!
I so don't get the idea of giving presents to the groom's parents.....why?
But yes he isn't the only so called "Muslim" who does this (though I gotta lol @ "The wedding took place at a mosque" and then :at the lucky time! Lucky time and "Muslim weddings"!)
Back in Sri Lanka we got many "Muslim" prospective grooms and their super greedy parents who either ask for a dowry outright or hint ("what kind of presents can we expect?")Mostly victims are societies idea of "lesser"women like divorcees,widows,etc.Its disgusting and immoral(and says a lot about what kind of man the groom- to-be is) but still happens nonetheless!
They don't look like Muslims to me.....:/
Yes I guess it certainly is un islamic and disgusting but this greedy guys and their families want to milk the bride and her family for anything and everything they can get out of them
Isn't it anti islamic to ask for dowry?
i wonder what he did with the fridge and the TV, etc
I'm talking about all comments above :D
I like the inscription on the cushion next to the bride ..
The question is "Did she leave before or after they retired to the boudoir ?"
another runaway bride! way to girl!
way to go girl! hahaha!
i think she is calling her husband who is sitting next to her, but he is not picking up coz he is busy giving a 'statue pose' for taking this pic.....:(
What a happy couple.LOL.
Now i m in BangladeshLiving.com ..... whts wrong with the URL
to her husband's family who is ready to give Fridge and TV ? :(
So if she walks out on him immediately after the wedding, is their marriage simple annulled leaving them free to remarry?
I wonder who she is speaking to on the phone?
Good on Yasmin - she needs more support.
"Love Love" pillows on the right....hmmmm seems like a command/demand :-)
the guy couldve asked fer dowry before the snap taken...
the guy remembered to ask fer dowry after the snap????
a Sardar & a Pathan commenting wisely (Well! impossible but worth a try guys)
brave lady
log into yahoo maktoob ;)
Hats off!
It was a bold & Brave step.
Unfortunately Muslims despite knowing that Islam has model(Sunna and Shariat)indulge in such Begger type practices.
alot of Bengali Expats in Doha and on QL :P
and we used to have mini-Bangladesh by Old National Showromm in Musherib ;)
Good job yasmin! Society needs woman like you..
Such incidents are commom in INDIA as well..Many news have taken round few years back about girls turning away their marriage at the end moment because of unexpected demand of dowry...
They look so happy. :P