18 k salary needs 300k loan !!
By hi2ueverybody •
Any Banker please advise me if I want QAR 300000 & my Salary is QAR 18000/mth,working for a prestegious company since 6 yrs & my monthly liability is QR 4000(rent) ,according to Qatar Central Bank regulations how much loan I can get ?
Please provide me details of the bank if possible.
Thanks & waiting for your valuable immediate reply.
Hi2u, I guessed it might be 220-230; 200 comes close.. Try negotiating a bit and you might be able to increase the figure..
It is best to take a loan from the bank where your salary goes, the process will be simpler..
Dear noms_ & cherukkan thanks for your reply,I already asked to my bank & also other two but they says it will not be possible due to new QCB rules of liability,my actual need is 300k & they are approving only 200k.
Vivme also thanks to you, can you please give the name of that bank who will give me 220-230k ?
why are you asking other?! Has you Bank refused to answer this question ?!
max of 400K. Check it with your bank.
If you have 18k salary you will have a bank account. Why dont you ask your bank?
I think you could get around 220 - 230K for a repayment period of 48 months.
Banks consider that the the EMI should not exceed 40% of your net income which is 14K in your case.
If you can negotiate a bit, and if you have a good credit history, you could get a bit more.
All the best.
You can get a loan for 50k max