Stolen or Lost my Sony Digital camera in Zoo

Yesterday evening me nd my family went to Doha Zoo. Wen i juss went to ATM outside i gave my camera to my wife, she kept camera beside her on a chair and was feeding baby. within sometime wen she checked der it was not seen der. We checked everywer der, as we have full pics(3 Eid days) in dat camera, we wer so upset.. So is der any chances to get that.I already gave one complain der.
Did you found your camera? if not just forget you camera then look for a new one!!
lol nice one blockhead
hey see !! your camera is right over der.. Ooopsss :D
Der you go again... :D
So always take good care of your things especially when you are in public place.
There's a lot ALIBABA now in this country..and we experience it ,a thief broke into our house as he enter in our window while my husband is sleeping.
So are u going back der? :p
i hope this will serves as a lesson for u and your wife.
LOL...@PG... :)
...its ok to use der and dat since most of the txt msgs nowadays r all shortcuts. but the redundancy of the word der, makes me laugh!
/-at-/PeterGrifin im sorry to use those words, as im always chatting and when typing its automatically coming like this only..
Sorry to say ,its Lost
better to buy a new 1
it will reduce ur tension :P
Could you try telling that to some of the QBS announcers.... they are the worst!!!
if you say der one more time, I will pray you don't find your stupid camera.
It is THERE! not DER! and THAT not DAT!
yesterday der was family day, i juss saw only some kids and arab peoples beside us at dat time..
Sorry, but everyone's use of der n den's killing me :)
:'( .... :'( ....
Sorry, but for the first time I rofl on something missing :D
den consider it lost....
/-at-/PMMcCain u mean there in zoo der is Lost and Found place.. i didnt see dat.. i even talk to the manager der..
lol 4 der great answer
@BlackHead, Camera missing der may be found der. Check the Lost and Found section der and the camera may be waiting for you der.
Listen der.....go back to the places you had been for Eid der.... and again click the snaps der.......this time either do not give your camera to your wife der..... or tell her to not to keep the camera on the chair while feeding the baby der..........Good Luck Der.....