New in Doha

Am new here n Doha and don't have friends to hangout with, so any people interested please replay me " boys or girls or mixed group am ok with that" am 30 years old and single but not looking for a relation now, I speek Arabic and English and I have no concern or restriction about where to go or what to do for fun.
Thanks for all n advance
Buying drinks for strangers and expecting a thanks from the drunk...? Funny...Please make wise choices in life, Sir..
I guess your old love might be in Doha and is avoiding you.... :-)
Eng. Ali....been here for almost two months and i survived it due to busy busy work schedule and good people:)
Hopefully you will be fine! Focus on the positive only and try to avoid negative people!
I have pretty laidback weekends which involves doing nothing on fridays and going out to just about anywhere on a saturday:)
Good Luck
Thanks for your post, so how long u have been here n Qatar? And what do u do to waist your free time?
hi Eng Ali.................hope u feeling better today!!! and oh yes....welcome to Doha...i am new here too:) enjoy the hols!
Hello :) Eng.Ali... Is that your name?
I'm Fern. Nice to meet you. I'm from Thailand.
I'm going to work with Hotel in Doha in next two weeks.
Right now I'm waiting for my visa process.
Maybe we can hangout. I still don't have a lot of friends there either.
Hope to hearing from you...
Hahah maybe don't know what to write because I never had to, I was always staying n Dubai where I was born surrounded with my family and lots of friends from all gender but now after I moved my work her to be with the girl who I loved she left Doha just before I arrived and then I was left alone, the problem here when try to socialize with people for eXample n a bar, f u approached a girl u have to wait in long que and at the end she thinks u just wana do her and f u approach a couple or a mixed group they will think u wana steal one of there girls and for sure it's weird to approach a group of men unless u r gay, anyway last night I was trying to socialize with this mixed group n Paloma n intercon and I paid for there drinks and they just didn't say thanks. Stupid right?
Sounds dangerous.. :-)