Carrefour Fruit & Veg Closed by Municipality

Sorry if this is a double post. I did do a quick search for it and nothing came up. I went to Carrefour in Villaggio the other day, and was surprised to see the fruit and veg section closed down. I assumed they were doing an audit or something and went without the stuff I was going to buy there. Today I returned and was amazed when I found that it was still closed down. But today I noticed a little sign saying something along the lines of it had been closed down by the Municipality for breaking health and safety rules or something like that.
Wow!! Are the Municipality flexing their muscles at last? How many places would remain open if they decided to really get stuck in.
municipality does check many shops on a daily basis.
All big supermarkets should have ISO 14000 certification and regular audits and inspections by the municipality would compel them to tighten their belts. No need to close down the shops.
Give the supermarkets a time frame within which they need to get accredited. This will ensure good shop practices and help the entrepreneurs to run their businesses professionally.
Great, I hope they'll do something about all the mouldy fruit etc. that is sold in other groceries and supermarkets.
On the other hand, that might pose a no groceries and supermarkets will remain open...
This is good example of the government acting in the interest of the people. It is inconvenient for the shoppers but it will teach grocers a valuable lesson. Yet surely someone will get on this thread and complain and somehow find ways to criticize Qatar.
I remember once subway @ city center was closed down by Municipality for breaking health and safety laws... Qatar Munincipality is strong and very strict abt these issues ...
In my defense I did do a search but nothing came up, but that may be because that post was spelled incorrectly 'Carrefor Villaggio'.
Oh man!!! I am so pants these days :(
TB you got it wrong again. already posted a few days back..
Carrefour is more better than the local groceries. If this is the case, all the small shops will be shut down.