How much do you make???

By anaana12321 •
do you mind when someone asks you about your salary?
how do you respond to this question?
is it something you should ask or should leave for privacy?
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Its very much cultural. In some cultures its deemed acceptable. In the west mainly it is not.
I personaly find it disconcerting and usually answer - "Just a little more than back home" :O)
are back in Middle EAst! Doing another survey there in Saudi? Good for you!
2 QAR per month...
Happy now
How much do you make?
My answer is simple..."Why do you ask?"
Tandurifish you still exist...why did you make another ID?
Kinda feel guilty sometimes
But I help alot of people...
rizks, it's a crime to ask a woman's age..though as of now i don't feel awkward about it when being asked..;o)
honestly, i really hate being asked about my salary coz i, myself don't do that to others coz it's unethical.. it's suppose to be a private matter not to be disclose to anyone..but only to the closest like husband, father and mother only..
when I was working in Qatar Airways and people who were under impression that i must be getting around 10000-12000 per month use to ask me how much I m getting and I really felt good telling them that my salary is below 4000...heeee heee.Theirs faces LOL LOL LOL OMG...I really enjoyed hahahahahaa
I just say, not nearly enough to maintain me in the style to which I am entitled.
i find it very rude if someone asks for my salary but i frequently bump into people who ask this question..i ALWAYS give them a smile and say.."you dont ask women their age and gents their salaries.."
insulted when someone ask my salary. its a secret and only my knows. greetings from KSA.
wife is not authorize to ask her husband such question ? about his salary ?? come on transparancy needed :)
Nice way to say NO now can you tell me your salary ? lol
let me....ehem! ehem! oh i......ehem! ehem! LOL.
what was the forum topic again???? hahaha.
I never ask your salary anaana now can we go on a date?
It is by all means a very rude and intrusive question. I in fact find it far more ruder than inquiring me of my age but that's of course IMO.
And I specially find it disturbing when my friends and acquaintances inquire of my husband's salary. I wouldn't ask them such questions,why do they ask me? Obviously cos they know I wouldn't respond rudely and tell them "mind your own beeswax"(though they may deserve it I just can't)!
Its just not right..but why don't people get it?
never ask a woman her age and never ask a man his wage ... simple as that!
why to feel rude just smile n tell any xyz amount like QR 5 or Qr 50,000 next time they wont bother to ask
yup agree with u on thAT anaana12321 .. I also find it very rudeespecially if I just knew this person recently..
this is called hijacking of forums or passing irrelevat commments making them go off topic
i knew u were nailing on that answer;)
same here! my words will go that way as well...
honestly, i find it rude when someone asks about the salary. it's like that person is more interested in money than in u as a person.
exactly !...
see for instant, i asked a simple question to anaana "Wats her age" and see her response ? :)
It kinda feels awkward when a person asks me that >_<
It is some what personal i guess >_<
even when a person asks "what do you do for a living" I kinda feel awkward replying to that as well .
how about making points by posting in each and every forum ?
i know its non of my business anaana, i just answered your question ! :)
hope u got the message ?
It's depend upon the person you talk to...if a friend should not...but, if interview you can...
why do you ask? it's none of ur business! LOL.
21,000 :(
wat is your age anaana ?