Words do hurt

By strawberry_shisha •
Words not only affect us temporarily; they change us, they socialize or unsocialize us. ~ David Riesman
Words not only affect us temporarily; they change us, they socialize or unsocialize us. ~ David Riesman
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As the old saying goes - The Pen is mightier than the sword.. :O)
There's actually a hadith/saying that if you hurt a person then you need to get their forgivness for God to forgive you. Precisely where, Allahu alam, a wrong word/deed said/done to another can gain you eternal punishments.
Agree FatimaH, The relation with God is one sided and we speak to him and hope he hears us.Where as the communication between Humans is a two way thing. As I said before if yoy hurt someone with words or actions then only that Person can forgive you, even God has no right to forgive you!
well said fatimah
It depends on who said it for words to affect me.But in general it pays to watch what you say to another. For you it may mean nothing at that time but the consequences of those hurtful words can carry lifelong scars, breaking of ties and friendships, and even cause you to gain God's wrath. And we Muslims know of the hadith that says : "A person may say a word that is pleasing to Allah and he may not think much of it, but God/Allah will, (because of that word), bestow his pleasure upon him on the Day of Judgment, and a person may say a word that is displeasing to Allah , and he may not think much of it, but Allah will have, (because of that word) his wrath and anger on him on the Day of Judgment." Its always wise to either speak good or remain silent...anytime!
agree with that
Words, especially those that hurt, are generally said in retaliation to what one says. If A is rude to B then B retaliates in the same vein.Its better to not say anything if you dont know the person too well and if they are friends they will understand you. No need to explain why.
It depends who says the words. If an idiot speaks to me, it doesn't have ANY effect on me!
Agree "they socialize or unsocialize us"... in addition to many other affects they have on us.
agree.. few took it as a challenge and made them stronger..
Words can torture you mentally..... Actually it can kill!
My father always said this, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, words will never hurt me"... and he lived by it :-(
I agree