Qtel is irresponsible

Qtel enjoys the monopoly in this country and we are forced to use their services. let me tell th experience I have , I had applied for mozaic + landline + internet connection on 26th of sept ,and i was told that the i would get the connection in 10 days . till now i havent recieved the connection nor any appointments . when ever i check with their cust care i get the same reply "there is a problem with IT and it wiil be solved soon". now i feel ashamed to call them bcoz its the same reply again and again . How can a company who call themselves as a world class service provider be so irresponsible .
when are these people going to change ...?
We are more than happy to assit you here. Can you please send us your mobile number as a message and we will take this us up with the concerned department. Thank you
the same thing happened to me.....it took me 1 month to get landline, mozaic, internet connection and another one month to add a single sports channel.... i used to try calling daily 115 for the first one month and and 111 help line during the 2nd month......
@ rdsouza,an organization IS the people it employs!...i.e an organization,ESPECIALLY a public service like a telecom service provider can DEFINITELY NOT call itself one of "world repute" when it has the kind of pathetic customer service that it currently does...@ goodoldjoe,to repeat "processes & procedures" can't be called "in place" unless they are properly delivered!...
rdsouza - must completely agree with you. They surely must be having all the processes and procedures in place but if the guys inbetween cannot deliver what they have been trained to deliver it ultimately gives a bad name to the whole organization. Some of this organizations are filled with groups from a particular place or state and they have their own agenda.
gadarene, they will regain their monopoly by restricting vodaphone on one or the other front but they will never change. coz change here 'means' change in attitude.
Check you PM
A monopolistic market is always a seller's market..need to wait till Vodafone is allowed into this segment...as Gadarene said.
Q Tel is an organisation of world repute. I think what we have is a poor customer service, and this is because of the type of people it has employed.
They'll change when their monopoly is broken & Vodafone is allowed into the market,just like it has happened for cellular services,suddenly Hala has one "offer" after the other,dropping their international calling rates to upto Qrs. 0.50/- a minute! do you think it's all just a coincidence?...just pray & wait for the authorities to allow Vodafone entry into the internet/cable tv services & watch Qtel resolve all it's supposed "IT problems" or any other so-called problems in no time!...
A grave mistake u have done.. Mozaic TV service is horrible.. u will not get TV connection because its from internet line... ANd if u want to cancel they will charge u 800 QAR and the bill will start from the day of signing the one year contract.. U R A POOR FELLOW LIKE ME...
Do they actually call themselves "a world class service provider"?? That's very funny!Honestly,I feel ya. It is very exasperating no doubt. And yes, God knows when they'll change.
can u add chanels to the mosaic bouquet? i'm really interested in the 150-169 chanels!
call 115 to know your appointment date.
maybe they do have a problem with the IT.
better wait than installing a faulty system than complaining that it's faulty.