Private elementary schools in Doha

My family will be moving to Doha in next year and I need to find a good school for my 3 children. We are coming from Canada and their grades here will be:
Preschool (3 years)
Senior Kindergarten (5 years)
Grade 2 (7 years)
I am looking for a very good international school, either American, Canadian, British, or French.
Does anyone have any first hand experience with a very good school that they can recommend, or schools that we should avoid?
Any ideas on what level they should be registered in for the British or French schools?
The company my husband will be working for recommended the Qatar Academy or the Qatar Canadian School. Are they good schools?
Any current information is appreciated. I've been scouring the forums for information, but am looking for more up-to-date info.
Thank you for that really helpful and valuable piece of advice, shanikibivi. Of course you can always try Doha English Speaking School. A friend of mine only had to wait THREE YEARS for a place at DESS for her son. (Yes, she and her husband do have British passports!)
you can try DESS (Doha English Speaking School) i heard its one of the best from KG to 12. (
im also searching kindergarten for my son next year. From many advice they said me to check rising stars kindergarten (
Hope this will help
sorry for my misinformation.
sorry for my misinformation.
sorry for my misinformation.
I always read about A levels (in British novels). What are those exactly? The system in Canada is different, so I'm not sure about how things work.
Just for your information Doha College is British not American. They follow the British National Curriculum and students sit I/GSCE and A Level examinations.
There wasn't any information on that page, the link to the attached document didn't work.
I've been contacting a number of schools, but most don't have any spots for this year, and "if" they open admissions next year, I'll be put on a waiting list...It's kind of scary!
I'll contact Doha College as well. American School was way to expensive.
Does anyone have any other insights/useful information?
I'm really starting to get worried about this. From the posts I've read, schooling looks like it's going to be a major issue!
Check this Information posted under Qatar Guide on the top right of the page. Maybe Useful to you.
Try Compass International School. Teachers are very nice and friendly.
Qatar Canadian School follows the Alberta Curriculum. They've had issues with staffing/turnover in the past, don't know if that has been resolved. The children have to be bussed to the College of North Atlantic for outdoor sports and swimming as the school doesn't have such facilities.
Doha College is generally considered to be one of the best (and best facilities) it follows the American Curriculum - however, they usually have a very long waiting list and acceptance can also be contingent on your passport or where the parent(s) work.