What are some good schools for special needs students with mild autism in Doha?

My son is 8 and we may be movng to Doha in the coming months. He has mild autism and on the verge of moving to a typical environment. He has had a lot of great help with speech and occupational therapy of past 5 years. Are there international schools in doha or at the Qatar Foundation that may allow him to have a shadow in a typical class environment. I do not feel a total "special needs" environment will beneficial to him at this point. He is a very bright child and I feel being around children that are not as advanced as he is causing him not to excel as much as he would around typically developing children, he is a very visual learner. Any advice? Thx.
I have a son 6 year old, with, hyperactivity, and language difficulties and associated learning difficulties. He is attending britihs school with a shadow teacher. But I am also looking at different options where he can have better academic support. Most schools in Doha claims to have learning support programs and inclusion policy on their website, but after contacting all of them I have realized that they do not accept students even with mild difficulties and discourage from applying. Learning center and shafflha is mostly for Qatari children with serious challenges. I would like to know what options you have explored. I also feel that if parents as a group can approach some of these schools with reasonable number of students, they can persuade the schools to accommodate students with disabilities and provide professional help
I have a son 6 year old, with, hyperactivity, and language difficulties and associated learning difficulties. He is attending normal school with a shadow teacher. But I am also looking at different options where he can have better academic support. Most schools in Doha claims to have learning support programs and inclusion policy on their website, but after contacting all of them I have realized that they do not accept students even with mild difficulties and discourage from applying. Learning center and shafflha is mostly for Qatari children with serious challenges. I would like to know what options you have explored. I also feel that if parents as a group can approach some of these schools with reasonable number of students, they can persuade the schools to accommodate students with disabilities and provide professional help
There are 2 school according to my knowlege i know
One is in khalid al ain area with the name of omega centre and other is situated in west bay area with the name of shafallah for special need children.if you need further more detaills go on google and search you will find with map also.
I would be very diligent in looking into any schools anywhere in the GCC for a child who is "outside the norm" no matter his/her issues/challenges. Competent and qualified assistance is the exception and difficult to find and enroll in. It is very different from North America or Europe to find a place for children who don't do well in the mainstream - no matter their challenges.
Thank you all for the helpful leads...
Qatar foundation has good international school..nothing to worry about school...there are many international schools like American Academy,Sherbone, Cambridge school and many more.. I am sorry for you that I dont know specifically for for Autism affected children...Just go through web or I can check out and help you with that....