About Qatar
Hi All,
I'd like to first introduce myself... My name is Dania, I'm 21 years old, American Syrian currently living in Syria.
I have recently accepted a job in Qatar and was very excited to move there but I have talked to someone that used to live there and told me that I will have A LOT of trouble living there because I am a girl.. He told me that i will face many unpleasant people! He scared me so much, I really regret accepting this offer.
I have been following this forum and I would really like someone who lives in Qatar to help me and tell me if this is true and if it really is that hard for a single girl to live in Qatar alone.
keep aside ur fears,pack ur bags n welcome to qatar..its really safe,though its always better to be alert n careful..u`l have a nice time,once u settle down..it also depends on ur priorities n ur life style,as to hw much u`l adapt to this place..
good luck
I think life here is pretty safe here so long as you follow the laws/rules. You can also try learning or maybe read something about their culture so you will know the do(s) and don't(s). :)
I love how only men are answering her question. Dania, Qatar is no safer for women than anywhere else in the world no matter what anyone tells you. Just like everywhere else, stay alert, don't be overly friendly towards strange men, be careful taking cabs by yourself, don't walk alone at night, if a strange man tries to start a conversation with you walk away, if you notice someone following or harrassing you call the police.
Hi Dania, I am from Qatar and lived here all my life. I am pretty sure it is safer here than it will ever be in Syria.
Now, I don't understand why would you make such decision based on stupid information from "someone". Intillegent ppl usually question the qualifications of the person giving them an advise. i.e what kinda job was that person doing here in Qatar before he went back to Syria. He might have been kicked out of the country or maybe ended his stay on bad terms with his employer, etc. Trust me, we have many workers here from all over the world and from both genders. Good luck.
Uzum - all is safe here ay??? Two words - gadaffi payback
All is safe here.... unless.......
Qatar is generally safe for a single lady but you may have to sacrifice some personal freedom compared to US/Syria. Your safe stay also depends on your activities here, if you remain within the limits of law there’s nothing to worry about. In general, Qatar is not a bad (unsafe for single lady) place, IMO..... (there's no perfect place!!
I have been here for 6 month and Qatar is considered one of the safest countries in the world, no body is going to annoy you and you can have a good life even if you are staying alone, take the step and come don't worry.
you will survive here! Welcome. And there's a lot of persons like you here so don't worry too much, you will finde a friend here. Start with your co-worker!
Its too much Safe than America & Syria here in Qatar .
Depends. Are you planning to date or not?
well welcome to qatar....
well jus like any country out there....its never too bad to be careful, and also jus like any country it has its ups and downs...... ahlan wa sahlan bi ahl alsham!!