Wiki Leaks

Julian Assange. An American Citizen, As well as a hacker to0. He has done a great job to uncover the truth of American solider`s. He has hacked their systems and got all the reports of every hour of american trooops spent in IRAQ. And surely, It will make a normal man cry when they will read those. America says that they are fighting for peace. Well, I saw the website of julian Assange and didn`t Find Any peace. They used to kill Iraqii Citizen`s for Fun.. One cannot even imagine what has happend their because its all unrevealed.. But now, Its a blast in the Media... Go Cheak the website and solute this man.
"Could become as important a journalistic tool as the Freedom of Information Act." - Time Magazine
They just have Technology they can do anything.. They fought 10 years in afghanistan but they didn`t got anything ... Am i correct ?
Firstly, I am a supporter of julian. What he tried to do was admirable, but politics is a dirty business.
Secondly - you are correct. I too read the Guardian - because it is left leaning. However, I do not agree with everything it publishes - that's why i also read another four papers of varying allegiances. i then make up my own mind..
I wish I could jump From this earth to another for PEACE.... :( Its make me sad everytime I see the videos
Killing people for fun..sad..:(
He talks from 23 mins on the Guardian's behaviour over Cablegate. The following bit starts at 39 mins: "There's a point I want to make about perceived moral institutions such as the Guardian and the New York Times. The Guardian has good people in it. It also has a coterie of people at the top who have other interests. David Leigh is the brother-in-law of the Editor in Chief, Alan Rusbridger. He is protected there to a degree. What drives a paper like the Guardian, or the New York Times, is not their inner moral values, it is simply that they have a market. In the United Kingdom there is a market called 'educated liberals'. Educated liberals want to buy a newspaper, they buy the Guardian, and therefore an institution arises to fulfil that market, and that institution needs to be managed. And those people at the top of that institution simply manage the institution that fulfills that market. What is in the newspaper is not a reflection of the values of the people that are in that institution, it is a reflection of the market demand for particular material. Not a reflection of good values. " #t=1438 He is right on the money
Brit - that dosent cut it. You understand how terrorism has been defined by the west dont you?? Lets take the definition of terrorism from a US army manual, which defines it as "the calculated use of violence or threat of violence to attain goals that are political, religious, or ideological in nature. This is done through intimidation, coercion, or instilling fear." where does assange fit here??
Human Tragedy...
He has caused mayhem and discourse between "partners" , who have now become suspicious of each other.
Brit - in what way could it be argued that he is a 'terrorist"????????
"Mendax" (derived from a phrase of Horace: "splendide mendax", or "nobly untruthful")
That was the Ottoman Empire then! (1299 -1923)
Good, so USA is behind all the ills? Behind all the problems of the world!! Good Escape !!!! for many
Strange, what will they do for problems of world prior to 400 yrs ??? some other scapegoat?????
That's true, shez. Q is for Qatar!
UKEng, he is an Australian citizen!
The story of Q33 NY is hoax guys...go read more about it..No US airlines starts with flight numbers like that..!!!!
Brit he is a British Citizen!
I always thought he was an Aussie national :O(
For your information.........AMERICA is playing another game with Wiki leaks.
Wiki leaks is a best weapon for AMERICA to blame arabic countries............
Wiki leaks is a great show of AMERICA to show the cruality (to fear all countries) of AMERICA.
But of the countries, people still dont know about this conspiracy (game) from AMERICA............
So finally the americans gave him a American passport. George washington must be laughing in his grave that they gave a american passport to this Australian who made the world aware of the misdeeds of Uncle Sam
Copy and paste does not work all the time check the link
A hero to some. A terrorist to others.
One Can Not do Any thing...... We need Unity
hajmola, There is no need of changing the font size.
.... Afghanistan, Russia, Tibet, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, ....... You can add a hundred more.
The ugliness of the human race unveiled. But do you think this only happens in Iraq? What about Cambodia, China, Zimbabwe, Somalia, Syria, ...... ?