Karwa Taxi Authorities, please read this...

Where should I call to register my complaints of Karwa Taxis? Last month (previous day of EID) I got a Karwa Taxi from Al Sadd (in front of Qatar UAE Exchange) for going to my friends' room near Indian Embassy near Gulf Cinema. Normally I go there by giving 12 Riyals to Karwa Taxi. But the guy asked me QR. 25/- because of the roads are well traffic. I told him I can give you the meter charge. He said: I can't put meter because this traffic!
I have to pay him for the traffic jam! It sounds like, I have made this traffic! Its quite horrible! I asked him "What is your name?" He told me, "You dont want to know my name, you can note my car number". I asked him "What is your car number?" He said "that i wont say, you can note it from the number plate" I repeated both the questions for 3-4 times. He was hesitating to give me his name of number. At last he made his car aside and told me "get down here, i dont want your trip". I got down there and i noticed the car number.
But I dont know what should I do against such drivers. He was saying "You cann't do anything agaist me as I am here for the last 6 years". I thought what it means? He is behaving like this only because of there is no any strict customer care in Karwa, I believe.
Almost all the Karwa Taxi drivers are with very bad behavior. I dont know why. Once one of the driver told me that it is because of we are not paid well. Karwa has cut-down their commission and now they are getting their basic salaries.So every drivers are trying to make some extra money by doing like this and by hesitating to turn on the meter.
Karwa Authorities, please do something for them to behave better or pay them better. Otherwise such problems cann''t be wiped-out.
same thing happened to me. Then, when i tried to call the number posted on their window for customer service, a guy answered me " Madam, if you want to file your complain, just drop by in our office and talked to the person in-charge"... duh?? So, i need to spend another riyals and hours to come to their office and complain?? What is the use of that number posted on their taxi window?
The main reason for such incidents is the Authorities. The customer care service is not functioning properly. Even if we complain, they dont respond. Before implemented the Smart Card system in Karwa buses, all the bus drivers were recollecting the tickets from all. And the same ticket will be given to the next passenger and the money will go to the drivers' pocket! But after the Smart card system there is some limitations.. Even then, some drivers ask for 10QR whom they are not entered into the bus. They say it is fine for enter without ticket. If so, there should be a ticket or receipt for this fine! Nothing... Its ultimately malpractice. Nobody can stop such malpractices, i think...
Its real simple - "Please put the meter on" - any reply that is not in the affirmative should lead you to telling the cheating b....d to stop the cab which should then be followed by you exiting - any other action is opening up to the cab driver exploiting your mild mannered nature.
3 Cases in a month
during the last days of ramadan, i took a taxi from work at around 3:30pm, halfway to my house i was surprised to see that the meter was has already doubled my usual fare. When i removed the bottle of water covering the meter, i asked why it is so, and he shouted " WHY DID YOU NOT COMPLAIN FROM THE START". I told him that it is cheating and i will pay him my usual fare. as i alight from the car, i gave him the exact fare i usually pay plus 4 riyals extra, explaining to hom everything and added that it is not nice to cheat people. He came out of the car shouted F*** ! F***! F***! Filipinos, . i left and went inside my house.
The other night, after visiting a friend, i took a karwa taxi and headed home. the driver was so stinky, that i had to breath through my mouth beacause i have to hold my nose. when we reached C Ring road, this guy took of his left shoes and placed his foot on the left AC Vent, during red signals he would place both his hands behind his head letting me sniff all his stink !!. he drove all the way with his left foot up. I really wonder who chose such people who does not behave like one.
Yesterday, I took a karwa taxi from work, i check the meter and informed him that it should be "one" not "zero". he grunted. then instead of going right, he went left which whould double the distance we are about t travel, When i told him that, he shouted that i can go down the middle of the road if i want to. when we reached a signal, i did just that. he souted i should pay, but i never looked back.
i have been an avid fan of karwa taxi and bus, right when they started.
now i tell all my friends to better avoid karwa taxi if they do not want their day ruined.
Unni, relax, nothing is going to improve because of your complaint. I sent a similar complaint about a mis behaving taxi driver 3 years ago, called all the customer service, faxed the complaint to PRO, called other senior officers, yet no one responded to me for long time, the more the responsible persons in office maintain their silence, the drivers will continue to do their atrocities with public. this is not first or second to read, umpteen such complaints were seen, no results.
On more than one occassion recently I've jumped in a karwa taxi in the evening, arrived at my destination and they've tried to charge me crazy amounts! Are they allowed to legally pick people up and NOT switch the meter on???? I travelled from Al Waab to West Bay, and the guy wanted 80QR!!! I nearly didn't pay him anything for taking the piss so badly!! He was angry I ONLY gave him 40QR....these guys are walking a thin line and will get in trouble soon. In a London taxi, if they don't switch on the meter, there is no charge. Simple.
Source: - A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999) 'I Agree!...Next'
Its Just The Way It Goes Around Here :)